
i have been trying to get suexec to work with apache, however no matter what i try, i cannot get it to compile correctly.

here is my config

./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache --enable-suexec --layout --suexec-uidmin=100
Configuring for Apache, Version 1.3.31
+ using installation path layout: Apache (config.layout)

Installation paths:
prefix: /usr/local/apache
exec_prefix: /usr/local/apache
bindir: /usr/local/apache/bin
sbindir: /usr/local/apache/bin
libexecdir: /usr/local/apache/libexec
mandir: /usr/local/apache/man
sysconfdir: /usr/local/apache/conf
datadir: /usr/local/apache
iconsdir: /usr/local/apache/icons
htdocsdir: /usr/local/apache/htdocs
manualdir: /usr/local/apache/htdocs/manual
cgidir: /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin
includedir: /usr/local/apache/include
localstatedir: /usr/local/apache
runtimedir: /usr/local/apache/logs
logfiledir: /usr/local/apache/logs
proxycachedir: /usr/local/apache/proxy

Compilation paths:
HTTPD_ROOT: /usr/local/apache
SHARED_CORE_DIR: /usr/local/apache/libexec
DEFAULT_SCOREBOARD: logs/httpd.scoreboard
DEFAULT_LOCKFILE: logs/httpd.lock
DEFAULT_ERRORLOG: logs/error_log
TYPES_CONFIG_FILE: conf/mime.types
SERVER_CONFIG_FILE: conf/httpd.conf
ACCESS_CONFIG_FILE: conf/access.conf

suEXEC setup:
suexec binary: /usr/local/apache/bin/suexec
document root: /usr/local/apache/htdocs
userdir suffix: public_html
logfile: /usr/local/apache/logs/suexec_log
safe path: /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin
caller ID: www
minimum user ID: 100
minimum group ID: 100
umask: running server's

here is my bin directory:

/usr/local/apache/bin# ls
ab apxs dbmmanage htpasswd logresolve suexec
apachectl checkgid htdigest httpd rotatelogs

here is the message i get when i start apache:

apachectl start
/usr/sbin/apachectl start: httpd started

does anyone have ANY ideas on what i might be able to try??
