Hello all Im new to programing and have read alot of threads on this site which I'm finding very helpful. My main knowledge is in web building and it isnt a lot. I'm wanting to learn to write a program that is geared for the real estate industry (acounting, property management, filing of listings and so on) I know I may be months or years from it but would like to know where to start.
I started out in Frontpage for webbuilding for my first web page and got my feet wet and got a Idea of what it was all about then went on to learn some html coding and javascript to get what I needed for my new site that Frontpage couldn't give me. Any way saying all that to say this, would it be best to experiment with Visual basic 6 or the visual studio.net 2003 to get my feet wet and help me understand the consepts? It also seemed more people thought c++ with a GCC compiler was a good place to start.
I'm having trouble finding the GCC compiler, I've went to this site http://gcc.gnu.org/ but can't seem to find where to download it. Is there anything else I might need geting started?

Thanks BondJoe