Hello fellow Corporate Baby Sitters.....
I have just installed Webroot Enterprise for a centralize point of scanning/cleaning spyware and adware. There are very few of enterprise versions of spyware solutions that I can find. Webroot is nice, but it lacks several common features that I would have included in the application. For example, if you run a report, you must either print the report or close it out. While the report window is open, you cannot go back the the application. Also, the application cannot scan your domain to see your PC's until the spyware client service is installed and running on the computers you wish to scan. There is also no tool or feature that will push the clients out from the main console. I really like the application, but not willing to pay 4 Grand for 150 users. Maybe the next version will strike my fancy a bit more and I'll take the plunge. But for now, I will continue the search for another solution. Please let me know if you have found a decent solution for your enterprise environment.