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Thread: I am trying to change the banner in Active Directory.

  1. #11
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ok, here you go. I didn't clean it up much, and this is a long post. You will be most interested in the sub SetupIE. This is where the basic IE window is set up. There is a line that places the logo in the window. The sub UserPrompt is what actually writes information to the IE window. I think I've stripped out company specific data from the script, so feel free to hack it apart and use the pieces you want.

    Begin script->

    '* File: Logon.vbs

    On Error Resume Next

    '* Define Variables and Constants

    Dim strTest
    Dim objFileSys
    Dim objIntExplorer
    Dim objWshNetwork
    Dim objWshShell
    Dim strDomain 'Domain of the user
    Dim strHomePage 'Homepage to be set for user
    Dim strLogonPath 'Path to location from where the script is running
    Dim strOSProdType 'OS Product type (WinNT, LanmanNT, ServerNT)
    Dim strWorkstation 'Local Computer Name
    Dim strUserGroups 'List of groups the user is a member of
    Dim intCounter 'General counter

    Const UseNTServer = 0 'Sets whether this script runs when logging on locally
    'to Windows Servers.
    'Values are: 1 (Yes) OR 0 (No)

    '* Initialize common scripting objects
    Set objFileSys = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
    Set objWshNetwork = CreateObject( "WScript.Network" )
    Set objWshShell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )

    '* Pause script until user is fully logged on (applicable only to Win 9x or ME)
    '* This will timeout after 10 seconds
    strUser = ""
    intCounter = 0
    strUserID = objWshNetwork.Username
    intCounter = intCounter + 1
    Wscript.Sleep 500
    Loop Until strUserID <> "" OR intCounter > 20

    '* Check for error getting username
    If strUserID = "" Then
    objWshShell.Popup "Logon script failed - Contact the Helpdesk @ x 666", , "Logon script", 48
    Call Cleanup
    End If

    '* Setup IE for use as a status message window
    Call SetupIE

    '* Display welcome message
    Call UserPrompt ("Welcome " & strUserID)

    '* Add horizontal line as a 'break'
    objIntExplorer.Document.WriteLn("<hr style=""width:100%""></hr>")

    '* Gather some basic system info
    Call GetSystemInfo

    If IsTerminalServerSession <> True Then
    '* Exit if we are logging on locally to a server and the script is set to NOT run on servers
    IF UseNTServer = 0 AND (strOSProdType = "LanmanNT" OR strOSProdType = "ServerNT") Then
    objWshShell.Popup "Windows Server - Exiting Logon Script!", 10, "Logon to " & strDomain, 16
    Call CleanUp
    End if
    End If

    '* Get group memberships
    strUserGroups = ""
    Call GetLocalGroupMembership
    Call GetGlobalGroupMembership

    '* Launch BGInfo to add system information to the desktop
    RETURN = objWshShell.Run (strLogonPath & "\" & strExec & strLogonPath & "\" & strArg, 0, true)

    '* Map standard drives
    Call MapDrive ("F:", "ServerName", "ShareName") '* Replace ServerName and ShareName with your own info

    '* Add horizontal line as a 'break'
    objIntExplorer.Document.WriteLn("<hr style=""width:100%""></hr>")

    '* Inform user that logon process is done
    Call UserPrompt ("Finished network logon processes")

    '* Wait 5 seconds
    Wscript.Sleep (5000)

    '* Close Internet Explorer

    Call Cleanup
    '* Sub: AddPrinter
    '* Purpose: Connect to shared network printer
    '* Input:
    '* strPrtServerDomain Domain in which print server is a member
    '* strPrtServer Name of print server
    '* strPrtShare Share name of printer
    '* Output:
    '* Usage:
    '* Call AddPrinter ("Mydomain2", "MyPrtSvr2", "Bld1Rm101-HP4050")
    Private Sub AddPrinter(strPrtServerDomain, strPrtServer, strPrtShare)

    On Error Resume Next

    Dim strPrtPath 'Full path to printer share
    Dim objPrinter 'Object reference to printer
    Dim strMsg 'Message output to user
    Dim blnError 'True / False error condition

    blnError = False

    '* Build path to printer share
    strPrtPath = "\\" & strPrtServer & "\" & strPrtShare

    '* Test to see if shared printer exists.
    '* Proceed if yes, set error condition msg if no.
    Set objPrinter = GetObject ("WinNT://" & strPrtServerDomain & "/" & strPrtServer & "/" & strPrtShare)
    If IsObject( objPrinter ) AND (objPrinter.Name <> "" AND objPrinter.Class = "PrintQueue") Then

    '* Different mapping techniques depending on OS version
    If objWshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings( "%OS%" ) = "Windows_NT" Then
    '* Map printer
    objWshNetwork.AddWindowsPrinterConnection strPrtPath
    '* Mapping printers for Win9x & ME is a pain and unreliable.
    End If

    blnError = True
    End IF

    '* Check error condition and output appropriate user message
    If Err <> 0 OR blnError = True Then
    strMsg = "Unable to connect to network printer. " & vbCrLf & "Please contact the Helpdesk @ ext 345" & vbCrLf & "and ask them to check the " & strPrtServer & " server." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Let them know that you are unable to connect to the '" & strPrtShare & "' printer"
    objWshShell.Popup strMsg,, "Logon Error !", 48
    Call UserPrompt ("Successfully added printer connection to " & strPrtPath)
    End If

    Set objPrinter = Nothing

    End Sub
    '* Sub: MapDrive
    '* Purpose: Map a drive to a shared folder
    '* Input:
    '* strDrive Drive letter to which share is mapped
    '* strServer Name of server that hosts the share
    '* strShare Share name
    '* Output:
    '* Usage:
    '* Call MapDrive ("X:", "StaffSvr1", "StaffShare1")
    Private Sub MapDrive( strDrive, strServer, strShare )

    On Error Resume Next

    Dim strPath '* Full path to printer share
    Dim blnError '* True / False error condition

    blnError = False

    '* Disconnect Drive if drive letter is already mapped.
    '* This assures everyone has the same drive mappings

    If objFileSys.DriveExists(strDrive) = True Then
    objWshNetwork.RemoveNetworkDrive strDrive, , True
    End If

    '* Build path to share
    strPath = "\\" & strServer & "\" & strShare

    '* Test to see if share exists. Proceed if yes, set error condition if no.
    If objFileSys.DriveExists(strPath) = True Then
    objWshNetwork.MapNetworkDrive strDrive, strPath
    blnError = True
    End If

    '* Check error condition and output appropriate user message
    If Err.Number <> 0 OR blnError = True Then
    '* Display message box informing user that the connection failed
    strMsg = "Unable to connect to network share. " & vbCrLf & "Please contact the Helpdesk @ ext 345 and ask them " & "to check the " & strServer & " server." & vbCrLf & "Let them know that you are unable to connect to the " & "'" & strPath & "' share"
    objWshShell.Popup strMsg,, "Logon Error !", 48
    Call UserPrompt ("Successfully added mapped drive connection to " & strPath)
    End If
    End Sub
    '* Sub: GetLocalGroupMembership
    '* Purpose: Gather all local groups the current user belongs to
    '* Input:
    '* Output: Local group names are added to strUserGroups
    '* Usage: Call GetLocalGroupMembership
    Private Sub GetLocalGroupMembership

    On Error Resume Next

    Dim colGroups '* Collection of groups on the local system
    Dim objGroup '* Object reference to individual groups
    Dim objUser '* Object reference to individual group member

    '* Verify system is not Windows 9x or ME
    If objWshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings( "%OS%" ) = "Windows_NT" Then
    '* Connect to local system
    Set colGroups = GetObject( "WinNT://" & strWorkstation )
    colGroups.Filter = Array( "group" )
    '* Process each group
    For Each objGroup In colGroups
    '* Process each user in group
    For Each objUser in objGroup.Members
    '* Check if current user belongs to group being processed
    If LCase( objUser.Name ) = LCase( strUserID ) Then
    '* Add group name to list
    strUserGroups = strUserGroups & objGroup.Name & ","
    End If
    Set colGroups = Nothing
    End If

    End Sub

    '* Sub: GetGlobalGroupMembership
    '* Purpose: Gather all global groups the current user belongs to
    '* Input:
    '* Output: Global group names are added to strUserGroups
    '* Usage: Call GetGlobalGroupMembership
    '* Notes: Use WinNT connection method to be backwards
    '* compatible with NT 4 domains
    Private Sub GetGlobalGroupMembership

    On Error Resume Next

    Dim objNameSpace
    Dim objUser


    Set objNameSpace = GetObject( "WinNT:" )
    '* Use the OpenDSObject method with the ADS_READONLY_SERVER
    '* value to grab the "closest" domain controller

    '* Connect to user object in the domain
    Set objUser = objNameSpace.OpenDSObject("WinNT://" & strDomain & "/" & strUserID, "", "", ADS_READONLY_SERVER)
    '* Process each group
    For Each objGroup In objUser.Groups
    '* Add group name to list
    strUserGroups = strUserGroups & objGroup.Name & ","
    Set objNameSpace = Nothing

    End Sub
    '* Function: InGroup
    '* Purpose: Determine if user belongs to specified group
    '* Input: Name of group to test for membership
    '* Output: True or False
    '* Usage: If InGroup("Domain Admins") Then <do something>
    '* Requirements:
    '* strUserGroups must have been previously populated via
    '* GetLocalGroupMembership and/or GetGlobalGroupMembership
    Private Function InGroup(strGroup)

    On Error Resume Next

    InGroup = False
    '* Search strUserGroups for strGroup
    If Instr( 1, LCase( strUserGroups ), LCase( strGroup ), 1) Then InGroup = True

    End Function
    '* Sub: GetSystemInfo
    '* Purpose: Gather basic info about local system
    '* Input:
    '* Output: strDomain, strOSProdType, strWorkstation, strLogonPath
    '* Usage: Call GetSystemInfo
    Private Sub GetSystemInfo

    On Error Resume Next

    '* Get domain name
    If objWshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings( "%OS%" ) = "Windows_NT" Then
    strDomain = objWshNetwork.UserDomain
    strDomain = objWshShell.RegRead("HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\" & "Services\MSNP32\NetWorkProvider\AuthenticatingAgent" )
    End If

    '* Get Product Type from registry (WinNT, LanmanNT, ServerNT)
    strOSProdType = objWshShell.RegRead("HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions\ProductType")

    '* Get computer name
    If IsTerminalServerSession = True Then
    '* Set strWorkstation to the real name and not the name of the server
    strWorkstation = objWshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings( "%CLIENTNAME%" )
    strWorkstation = objWshNetwork.ComputerName
    End If

    '* Get the path to the location from where the script is running
    strLogonPath = Left( Wscript.ScriptFullName, ( InstrRev( Wscript.ScriptFullName, "\") -1))

    End Sub
    '* Function: IsTerminalServer
    '* Purpose: Determine if the script is running in a terminal server session
    '* Input:
    '* Output:
    '* True if running in a terminal server session
    '* False if not running in a terminal server session
    '* Usage:
    '* If IsTerminalServerSession = True Then <Do Something>
    Private Function IsTerminalServerSession

    On Error Resume Next

    Dim strName

    '* Detect if this is a terminal server session
    '* If it is, set some names to the terminal server client name
    strName = objWshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings( "%CLIENTNAME%" )
    If strName <> "%CLIENTNAME%" AND strName <> "" Then IsTerminalServerSession = True

    End Function
    '* Sub: SetupIE
    '* Purpose: Setup Internet Explorer for use as a status message window
    '* Input:
    '* Output:
    '* Usage: Call SetupIE
    Private Sub SetupIE

    On Error Resume Next

    Dim strTitle '* Title of IE window
    Dim intCount '* Counter used during AppActivate

    strTitle = "Logon script status"

    '* Create reference to objIntExplorer
    '* This will be used for the user messages. Also set IE display attributes
    Set objIntExplorer = Wscript.CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
    With objIntExplorer
    .Navigate "about:blank"
    .ToolBar = 0
    .Menubar = 0
    .StatusBar = 0
    .Width = 600
    .Height = 350
    .Left = 100
    .Top = 100
    End With

    '* Set some formating
    With objIntExplorer.Document
    .WriteLn ("<!doctype html public>")
    .WriteLn ("<head>")
    .WriteLn ("<title>" & strTitle & "</title>")
    .WriteLn ("<style type=""text/css"">")
    .WriteLn ("body {text-align: left; font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt}")
    .WriteLn ("</style>")
    .WriteLn ("<img src=" & strLogonPath & "\logo.gif>")
    .WriteLn ("</head>")
    End With

    '* Wait for IE to finish
    Do While (objIntExplorer.Busy)
    Wscript.Sleep 200

    '* Show IE
    objIntExplorer.Visible = 1

    '* Make IE the active window
    For intCount = 1 To 100
    If objWshShell.AppActivate(strTitle) Then Exit For
    WScript.Sleep 50

    End Sub
    '* Sub: UserPrompt
    '* Purpose: Use Internet Explorer as a status message window
    '* Input: strPrompt
    '* Output: Output is sent to the open Internet Explorer window
    '* Usage:
    Private Sub UserPrompt( strPrompt )

    On Error Resume Next

    objIntExplorer.Document.WriteLn (strPrompt & "<br />")

    End Sub
    '* Sub: Cleanup
    '* Purpose: Release common objects and exit script
    '* Input:
    '* Output:
    '* Usage: Call Cleanup
    Sub Cleanup

    On Error Resume Next
    Set objFileSys = Nothing
    Set objWshNetwork = Nothing
    Set objWshShell = Nothing
    Set objIntExplorer = Nothing

    '* Exit script

    End Sub

  2. #12
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I understand the need to make this appear prior to login, but I thought you might still find it helpful. We attempted to implement the type of message you are suggesting a couple of years ago, but it was shot down by our Vice President. I guess our internal Legal Council decided that our employee handbook already covers this stuff and that this message was not necessary. (I've been unable to find any such wording in the handbook.)

  3. #13
    I got the wording part down...I just need to get the messege to appear b4 they log in.

  4. #14
    Thank you very much.

    I don't mean to appear dumb I am sorry I don't know much about VB or any type of scripting for that matter. But can you tell me if it appears before or after you login and can the password be encrypted? Or perhaps the script itself? Does the script run on the desktop or does it force AD changes to the desktop?

  5. #15
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Originally posted here by earthbound4u
    Thank you very much.

    I don't mean to appear dumb I am sorry I don't know much about VB or any type of scripting for that matter. But can you tell me if it appears before or after you login and can the password be encrypted? Or perhaps the script itself? Does the script run on the desktop or does it force AD changes to the desktop?

    The window created by this login script would appear after login. What password are you wanting to encrypt? The windows domain authentication would be encrypted already. There are utilities available to encrypt vbscript files, though I have not personally used one. This script executes as a background process. The only visible indication that the script is running is the IE message window. It does not change anything on the desktop.

  6. #16
    AO Ancient: Team Leader
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    You use that as a login script.... Any clue what would happen if you ran it as a startup script....

    I'm guessing you could spawn an instance if IE without statusbar etc. with a warning and a closewindow button and it would appear at startup. It should then sit there until the closewindow button is pressed which would allow the Press CTRL-ALT-DEL screen.... Or am I missing something here?
    Don\'t SYN us.... We\'ll SYN you.....
    \"A nation that draws too broad a difference between its scholars and its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards, and its fighting done by fools.\" - Thucydides

  7. #17
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Sounds reasonable to me. I've not worked with the start up scripts before, so I can't say for certain. It does appear, though that you could take the IE message window part of the script and use it as proposed. I'd be interested in knowing if anyone tries this and it works. I'll try it if I have the opportunity.

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