Ok, I'm not sure if this should go in newbies or here but I'll go ahead. Just starting to learn C and I got a couple questions.

1) I have an AMD Athlon 64 bit processor. I only have a 32 bit version of windows. From what I understand I will not be able to utilize my 64-bit architecture until windows releases x64, is this true ? (on a side note, will linux be able to utilized my 64 bit processor ?)

2) Any good references on programming with a 64 bit architecture ?

3) From my understanding, x86 processors use little endian byte ordering. Does the AMD, and will this effect writing effeciant 64 bit programs ?

One more question: On a linux command Line, how do I get a programm to accept command line parameters ? like:
#myprog param1 param2

Anyways, I will probably become a regular subscriber to this specific forum, since I am sure I will have more questions