Originally posted here by KuiXing-2005

Another tool you may wish to consider - depending on what you want to do, would be Hping. This tool is for packet crafting and manipulation. Per SANS: "It can be utilized for creating packets during audits to test firewalls and other network devices. It also functions as a network performance tester and a host availability checker. Hping allows you to modify the packet to fit your needs." It can handle manipulation on packet body and size, and fragmentation.

Here's the link (just confirmed too): http://www.hping.org/download.html

Tiger Shark - thanks for the info on the Bleeding Snort Malware ruleset didn't know about that. Woo-hoo! I can learn - and not just from pictures!

Also a question back to the group - any experiences of TCPDump vs. Ethereal?

I've been looking for a packet creator for windowsXP pro, does anyone have any suggestions. I haven't delved into the relm of Linux, but until then I would like to checkout and pen test my MS OS systems to see if I can force a few packets through that shouldn't


P.S. I have searched google and other engines but everything I have found is for Linux or I can't get to work they way I would like it to.