To me at least. Some of you may remember the old CPU burner I posted, written in C++, awhile back... well, after learning a bit of x86, I decided to really make it burn .

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>

using namespace std;

char characterToCompare;
char compare1 = "y";
//char compare2 = "n";


void burnerFunction()
 cout << "Burning...";
    asm(".intel_syntax noprefix"
"mov ecx,999999999999999"
"mov edi,0"
"mov esi,0"
"mov eax,0"
"mov ebx,0"
"mov edx,0"

"inc edi"
"inc esi"
"inc eax"
"inc ebx"
"inc edx"
"dec edi"
"dec esi"
"dec eax"
"dec ebx"
"dec edx"
"push edi"
"push esi"
"push eax"
"push ebx"
"push edx"
"pop edx"
"pop ebx"
"pop eax"
"pop esi"
"pop edi"
"loop burnLoop");

cout << "Done burning.\n\n";



int main()

    cout << "Welcome to the Burninator! Enter \"y\" to continue, or anything else" \
    "to escape:\n> ";
    cin >> characterToCompare;
    if(characterToCompare == compare1)
         burnerFunction; //Call the burner function
         return 0;
     return 0;
The errors I'm getting:

7 C:\Dev-Cpp\burn-main.cpp invalid conversion from `const char*' to `char'

8 C:\Dev-Cpp\burn-main.cpp invalid conversion from `const char*' to `char'

C:\Dev-Cpp\burn-main.cpp In function `int main()':

62 C:\Dev-Cpp\burn-main.cpp [Warning] statement is a reference, not call, to function ` burnerFunction()'

C:\Dev-Cpp\ [Build Error] [burn-main.o] Error 1

So, anybody know what I did wrong this time?