It worked before..I was able to show the record
Here are the codes:

FONT face="Tahoma" size="2" color="Red"><%=(DBView("Message"))%><BR></font></TD>
<TR><TD width="100%" height="20"></TD></TR>
<% DBView.MoveNext
curre = curre +1

End if
<TD width="100%" bgcolor="#800000" class="tbody">Messages: <B><%=pgs%>-<%=pgs+(curre-1)%> </B>of <B><%=(DBView.RecordCount)%></B></TD></TR>
<TR><TD width="100%" class="tbody">

pages = int(dbview.recordcount \ 5)
if dbview.recordcount mod 5 <> 0 Then pages = pages + 1

if Cint(AI) = cint(pqs) Then response.write " <B>" & ai & "</B> "
if cint(AI) <> cint(pqs) Then response.write " <A href=""blarp.asp?page=" & ai & """>" & ai & "</A> "

response.write ("]")
