
I am using Dreamweaver for the first time, and I like it a lot, because it is much easier to use than Frontpage, but I have a small problem.

Try to picture this: I have a large table on the left, and next to that on the right are a pic and another smaller table. The small table and the pic equate to about the same length as the larger table. Now, I have been able to add a 5-pixel gap between the pic and the larger table by clicking on the pic and in the Properties window, put "5" in the "H Space" box. But, I just don't have a clue how to add a 5-pixel gap between the small table and the larger one. There is a pic included to show you what I mean (sorry blacked out some bits for sec reasons). I would really appreciate it if you could list how to add the gap step by step, because as I said before, I am a total n00b. Thanks in advance,
