I am making a simple GUI in java that computes my Grade Point Average so I can use it at the end of the quarter. If I can get this program to work it would help me out and would make my life a bit easier. (plus I want to impress a friend)

My question is that I don't know how to align my panels correctly. I want them to look something like this hideous drawing:
|Title                                                   |
|        Class 1              |         Class 2          |
|Grade?    Credit hour        | Grade?    Credit hour    | 
|  o B      |   o 3           |                          |
|  o C      |   o 4           |                          |
|  o D      |   o 5           |                          |
|        Class 4              |         Class 5          |
|                             |                          |
|                             |                          |
|                             |                          |
|   Calc    Clear             [ txt box]                 |
I only know how to align this with
getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
getContentPane().add(p1, BorderLayout.NORTH);
getContentPane().add(p2, BorderLayout.CENTER);
getContentPane().add(p3, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
And this simply will not work.

This may be a bit hard to decipher but this is my code. Keep in mind that it is not finished, I just wanted to get the structure down before I start adding everything else.
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class GPAcalc extends JFrame implements ActionListener
  //Declare Radio buttons and the necessary buttons and text fields
  JRadioButton jRBn2,jRBa,jRBb,jRBc,jRBd,jRB2a,jRB2b,jRB2c,jRB2d,jRB3a,jRB3b,jRB3c,jRB3d,jRB4a,jRB4b,jRB4c,jRB4d;
  JTextField jTF1;
  JButton jB1,jB2;

  /*The main method **/
  public static void main(String[] args)
    GPAcalc frame = new GPAcalc();
  } // End of main method

  public GPAcalc()
      setTitle("GPA Calculator");

     JPanel p1 = new JPanel();
      ButtonGroup bg = new ButtonGroup();

     //add the Radio Buttons to a Panel
      p1.setLayout(new GridLayout(5,1));
      p1.add(new JLabel("Class 1"));
      p1.add(jRBa = new JRadioButton("A",true));
      p1.add(jRBb = new JRadioButton("B"));
      p1.add(jRBc = new JRadioButton("C"));
      p1.add(jRBd = new JRadioButton("D"));

      JPanel p4 = new JPanel();
      ButtonGroup bg1 = new ButtonGroup();

      p4.setLayout(new GridLayout(4,1));
      p4.add(jRBn2 = new JRadioButton("2"));

      //add the textfield to a panel
      JPanel p2 = new JPanel();
      p2.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
      p2.add(new JLabel("The Button Selected is"));
      p2.add(jTF1 = new JTextField(20));

      //add the buttons to a panel
      JPanel p3 = new JPanel();
      p3.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
      p3.add(jB1 = new JButton("Button?"));
      p3.add(jB2 = new JButton("Clear"));

      // Set FlowLayout for the frame and add panels to the frame
    getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    getContentPane().add(p1, BorderLayout.NORTH);
    getContentPane().add(p2, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    getContentPane().add(p3, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

    // Register listener
    //Without the above two lines the buttons will not work
  } // End of Constructor

  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
   int a1=0,a2=0,a3=0,a4=0;
   int b1=0,b2=0,b3=0,b4=0;
   int c1=0,c2=0,c3=0,c4=0;
   int d1=0,d2=0,d3=0,d4=0;
   int two1=0,two2=0,two3=0,two4=0;
   int thr1=0,thr2=0,thr3=0,thr4=0;
   int four1=0,four2=0,four3=0,four4=0;
   int five1=0,five2=0,five3=0,five4=0;

      if (e.getSource() == jB1)

        // Get the radio button selected
        if (jRBa.isSelected())
                  a1 = 4;
        else if (jRB2a.isSelected())
                  a2 = 4;
          else if (jRB3a.isSelected())
                  a3 = 4;
          else if (jRB4a.isSelected())
                  a4 = 4;

        // Set result in TextField jTF1
        //jTF1.setText(x);   FIX THIS!
      if(e.getSource() == jB2)
                      jTF1.setText(" ");
    }//End of ActionPerformed
  }//End of class
I hope someone out there can help me with this.
Thank you