I am at a loss here. I've searched seemingly every internet forum for answers, looked at every FAQ imaginable, but still cannot find an answer...please help, I'm pulling out my hair!

I am trying to setup a snort box with barnyard, but cannot get barnyard to run. Part of my problem stems from a fundamental misunderstanding of what exactly barnyard is doing. I'm trying to log traffic in binary mode in order to um...well I don't even know why I'm doing this anymore (my mind hurts). Here is the error I'm running into when I try to run barnyard.

WARNING /etc/barnyard/barnyard.conf(126) => Unknown output plugin "alert_acid_db" referenced, ignoring!Fatal Error, Quitting..

What is it I'm trying to do, you ask? Well that's a good question and I'm not sure even *I* know what I'm trying to do anymore LOL.

I want to be able to see all traffic (I've already got this worked out) and with that traffic, I want to be able to see a list of originating/destination IP's....more specifically a list of the most used destination and originating ports/IP's. I also want to take advantage of Snort's alerting capabilities and have installed ACID to analyze alerts.

Well, I have MYSQL set up to log all this stuff, but, again, my mind is numb and I seemingly can't get anything to show up on the ACID page.

I hope that the above is somewhat coherent....like I said, my mind is numb, I'm going on little sleep, and I'm pulling my hair out because I really want to get this working. HELP PLEASE