WASHINGTON — An estimated 13,470 nuclear weapons are deployed worldwide by eight countries, with another 14,000 weapons in reserve, according to an article by two experts published in an annual survey of global armaments (see GSN, July 29).
The number of total nuclear weapons, deployed and nondeployed, also decreased from approximately 31,500 estimated in 2004 to roughly 27,600 this year, according to a comparison of the two yearbooks.
Russia has the most estimated deployed warheads, 7,360, according to the article. That includes 3,980 strategic warheads on ICBMs, submarines and bombers, and 3,380 nonstrategic warheads on aircraft and at sea, it says.

The United States came in second at 4,896, with an estimated 4,216 strategic warheads on ICBMs, planes and submarines, and 680 nonstrategic warheads for delivery as gravity bombs by aircraft and by Tomahawk cruise missiles from submarines, it says.

Next is China with an estimated 400 deployed warheads, 120 of those estimated as nonstrategic, France with 348, Israel about 200, the United Kingdom with 185, Pakistan with 30 to 50 and India with 30 to 40.
NTI: Global Security Newswire - Wednesday, August 17, 2005

and Canada gets left out again...sheeeesh!