Hey Hey,

I have't seen this posted here yet and received this email a week or so ago on the nessus mailing list so I thought I'd contribute it here.

http://www.cenzic.com/nessusport.html has a Windows port of the nessus daemon.

What is the Windows port of Nessus?

Cenzic has ported the Nessus engine to the Microsoft Windows platform. This porting project was born out of Cenzic's interest in building a "best in class" web application security assessment product. Nessus is highly regarded in the security community as an excellent tool for assessing infrastructure vulnerabilities. Porting the Nessus engine to Windows provided Cenzic's engineers with valuable insight into infrastructure assessment. We would now like to offer this port back to the security community.
There are some problems with running nessus under windows (listed on the page) however it stills seems worthwhile for anyone that doesn't have *nix available to them.

The source and binary are both available for download by registering on the page. We all know how much everyone hates to register so I'll post the binary here (which is what I suspect most people will be interested in. If you happen to desire the sources, you can grab it off the page or if you don't want to register with them, just fire me a PM or email.
