windows 2000 pro user here:

I visited a music video webpage and the pacisoft virus unloaded on me. it gave me two different spyware problems Apropos & SurfsideKick. I managed to clean everything pretty much, but then I ran into a problem.

I booted in safe mode so I could delete an empty folder at this directory C:\Program Files\Unismith , but that was a no no because after I deleted the empty folder entitled Unismith I was unable to boot up in regular normal mode and I got a KMODE EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED error with the following details.

A memory access violation occurred.
Parameter 4 of the Stop error
(which is Parameter 1 of the exception)
is the address that the driver attempted
to access.

0xC0000005 (memory access violation)

so I went back into safe mode and recreated the Unismith folder in the C:\Program Files\ directory and guess what ? I was able to boot up in normal mode again.

How can I fix this problem so that I can boot up normal without that specific folder ?

please any help is welcome.

by the way the malicious webpage I went to was
I would love to report them for having malware on their site. Any suggestions ?