Ok, I put together a description of the possible uses of hashing on passwords and login authentication processes and what the help with or not...


pwd        = cleartext password
pwd-hash   = md5'ed password resulting hash
hash-hash  = pwd-hash re-hash
hash2-hash = pwd-hash, re-hash, re-hash
chlg	   = "Challenge-text": sufficient length of random characters
resp-hash  = challenge + pwd hash

--submit-->  = password submition
--md5-->     = hashing process
<--compare-- = compare from stored password
<--sends--   = server sent data
+            = "Append with"

Scenario 1: pwd sent in clear, stored as cleartext, databse is compromised

client      |               server                     |     database
pwd      --submit-->          pwd                <--compare-- pwd

hacker      |               server                     |     database
pwd      --sumbit-->          pwd                <--compare-- pwd

Result: login successful

Scenario 2: pwd sent in clear, stored as hash, databse is compromised

client      |               server                     |     database
pwd      --submit--> pwd      --md5--> pwd-hash  <--compare-- pwd-hash

hacker      |               server                     |     database
pwd-hash --sumbit--> pwd-hash --md5--> hash-hash <--compare-- pwd-hash

Result: comparaison doesn't match, login denied

Scenario 3: pwd sent in clear, stored as cleartext or hash, transmission intercepted

client      |               server                     |     database
pwd      --submit--> pwd      --md5--> pwd-hash  <--compare-- pwd-hash
pwd      --submit-->          pwd                <--compare-- pwd

hacker      |               server                     |     database
pwd      --submit--> pwd      --md5--> pwd-hash  <--compare-- pwd-hash
pwd      --submit-->          pwd                <--compare-- pwd

Result: in both cases comparaison matches, login successful

Scenario 4: pwd sent as hash, which is stored as-is (cleartext), transmission intercepted OR database compromised

client                     |               server                     |     database
pwd --md5--> pwd-hash   --submit-->           pwd-hash          <--compare-- pwd-hash

hacker                     |               server                     |     database
pwd-hash                --submit-->           pwd-hash          <--compare-- pwd-hash

Result: comparaison matches, login successful

Scenario 5: pwd sent as hash, which is re-hashed before being stored, database compromised

client                     |               server                                    |     database
pwd --md5--> pwd-hash   --submit-->  pwd-hash      --md5--> hash-hash          <--compare-- hash-hash

hacker                     |               server                                    |     database
hash-hash               --submit-->  hash-hash     --md5--> hash2-hash         <--compare-- hash-hash

Result: comparaison doesn't matche, no login

Scenario 6: pwd sent as hash, which is re-hashed before being stored, transmission intercepted

client                     |               server                                    |     database
pwd --md5--> pwd-hash   --submit-->  pwd-hash      --md5--> hash-hash          <--compare-- hash-hash

hacker                     |               server                                    |     database
pwd-hash                --submit-->  pwd-hash      --md5--> hash-hash          <--compare-- hash-hash

Result: comparaison matches, login successful

Scenario 7: challenge/repsonse style authentication, password stored as hash, transmission intercepted

client                                           |                   server                                            |     database
chlg1                                          <--sends--               chlg1                                                pwd-hash
pwd --md5--> pwd-hash+chlg1 --md5--> resp-hash --submit--> resp-hash <--compare--> resp-hash <--md5-- pwd-hash+chlg1 <----   pwd-hash 

client                                           |                   server                                            |     database
chlg2                                          <--sends--               chlg2                                                pwd-hash
resp-hash ????                                 --submit--> ????????? <--compare--> resp-hash <--md5-- pwd-hash+chlg2 <----   pwd-hash 

Result: nothing much to do with the response hash! login failes

Scenario 8: challenge/repsonse style authentication, password stored as hash, database compromised (aka: "Passing the hash")

client                                           |                   server                                            |     database
chlg1                                          <--sends--               chlg1                                                pwd-hash
pwd --md5--> pwd-hash+chlg1 --md5--> resp-hash --submit--> resp-hash <--compare--> resp-hash <--md5-- pwd-hash+chlg1 <----   pwd-hash 

hacker                                           |                   server                                            |     database
chlg2                                          <--sends--               chlg2                                                pwd-hash
pwd-hash +chlg2 --md5--> resp-hash             --submit--> resp-hash <--compare--> resp-hash <--md5-- pwd-hash+chlg2 <----   pwd-hash 

Result: comparaison matches, login successful

Moral of the story:

        Protection        ||  Login info vulnerable* in
Client-side | Server-side ||  Transmision | Database
Cleartext   | Cleartext   || 	 y        |      y        
Cleartext   | MD5 hash    ||     y        |      n         
MD5 hash    | Cleartext** ||     y        |      y         
MD5 hash    | MD5 hash*** ||     y        |      n         
Chlg/Rexp   | MD5 hash    ||     n        |      y          

*   Might not be cleartext password but login possible with that info
**  Stored as received from client
*** Re-hashed a second time