As I sat through the nth playing of 'Wizard of Oz' on TBS (Mrs |ce loves it, so I tolerate it) tonight, I noticed on the annoying little message box at the bottom of the screen that tomorrow night this same station will air the Dr Suess "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" tomorrow evening.

Now folks, it ain't even Thanksgiving yet here in the US. Isn't this a bit TOO early?

Naturally, I figured I'd charge in here and talk about how Christmas in the US is entirely too commercialized, how our ever-greedy businesses want the holiday shopping season to begin early to alleviate their otherwise stagnant or sagging profit margins. Then I remembered my drive home yesterday evening and noticing a person (one person in my town of just under 2000 people) who already had their Christmas tree up and decorations out and their entire house lit up beautifully.

Is it just me? Am I being the Grinch by saying "Not yet, it's too freaking early!" ?

What say you, good AO members? Am I out of my gourd, or are they fobbing the holiday season off on us entirely too soon this year? What's next year gonna look like? A holly jolly Halloween?