I am looking to create a dynamic text section on my website...

what I currently have is this:

<span id="hidden"><a href="#" onClick="hidden_text()">(Read More)</a></span>


function hidden_text(){
var hidden = document.getElementById('hidden');
hidden.firstChild.nodeValue='New text goes here';

but for some reason this just doesn't work, it doesn't error or anything.

I have tried this:

hidden.replaceChild='New text goes here';

to no avail either... however

<span id="hidden">ABC <a href="#" onClick="hidden_text()">(Read More)</a></span>

goes from:

ABC (Read More)
New text goes here (Read More)

effectively the same results with:
<span id="hidden"><a href="x.cfm">ABC</a> <a href="#" onClick="hidden_text()">(Read More)</a></span>

To ensure that there isn't some issue with change the link used to trigger the change.
so yeah... any ideas would be appreciated.

