
I'm somewhat new to linux, but not in desktop usage sense. Just the security side
I'm new at, I've only be using linux seriously for about a month. I was configuring sudoers
configuration file last night and was wondering if I didn't make any novice syntax errors,
misconfiguration mistakes, and security problems ......

I read the man and somewhat figure it out,
but just checking. I did also configure syslog
to but I don't want to ask to much for my first post, nor be to insertive.

The following below is the configuration file for sudoers:

# sudoers configufile.

Defaults syslog=auth,authpriv,user,daemon

Defaults>root !set_logname

Defaults mail_badpass, mailsub ** BAD AUTHENICATION: %U %h **

Defaults mail_no_user, mailsub ** USER NOT IN SUDOERS: %U %h **

Defaults mail_perms, mailsub ** SUDO PERMISSION ABUSE: %U %h **

Defaults log_year, log_host, logfile=/var/log/sudo

Defauls badpass_message YOU ARE BEING LOGGED !! \
..... (*mumbles* as soon as I figure out how this darn thing works)

Defaults noexec

Defaults verifypw=any

root ALL = (ALL) ALL
id ALL = ALL, !/usr/bin/passwd