I couldn't find any forums on here that go over this, but I'm having some issues with Excel.

I have an Excel document shared on a Server 2003 Network.

All users have appropriate access to this file.

The excel doc is password protected

After opening it, I tried saving changes and recieved the following error message, "This file is locked. Try the command again later" Waited a long while and tried again, still got the same error. That was yesterday, still the same problem persists.

I went into Server 2003 file management to be assured that no one else is accessing the file.

I opened up the file through Excel to make sure I'm not opening through a viewer.

searched in the same directory for the file that starts with ~$, but was unable to find it. I figured someone might have crashed Excel and that would be there.

Now I'm stumpped. Anyone ever come across this problem?