Originally posted here by Blunted One
How can I limit the access of the company A and B when they log into our network over the VPN? I noticed they can access our shared files and folders of anyone who is sharing information in our network. Do I need to change something in the security tab of the user accounts for company A and B? What is the best way to keep their ability to just being able to use Perforce and not manuver around the network at will?

Your VPN service rule is where their access is limited...

On your service rule, the following is what you should have:

Incoming Tab - Enabled and Allowed
From: CompanyA, CompanyB

To: Perforce Server (could be done by host IP address)

Outgoing Tab - Disabled

Define that service just like I've described, and once your partner companies authenticate for the VPN connection, they can only access your Perforce Server.