ever since the release of the movie there has been an upsurge in the outspokenness of the conspiracy theorists. Which I think are all BS. If I were in that plane and heard that three other hi-jacked planes were used as bombs you can believe id be fighting for my life. no punk kid with a box cutter could stop me given the alternatives.

But on the remote chance that the air force did shoot it down that would have been the right thing for them to do.

So why do some feel the need to have the families of the dead believe that their family members and friends died as helpless victims instead of heroes fighting to save maybe thousands of lives including their own.

Neither scenario would change the fact that radical islam killed all those people no matter how the plane went down.

Could it be that these creeps don’t want America to have any heroes and encourage the idea that fighting is useless?

i believe they are enemies of America!