It is my great pleasure and privilege to announce the availability of FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE. This release is the next step in the development of the 6.X branch, delivering several performance improvements, many bugfixes, and a few new features. These include:

* Addition of a keyboard multiplexer. This allows USB and PS/2 keyboards to coexist without any special options at boot.
* Many fixes for filesystem stability. High load stress tests are now run successfully on a regular basis as part of the normal FreeBSD QA process.
* Automatic configuration for man Bluetooth devices, as well as automatic support for running WiFi access points.
* Addition of drivers for new ethernet and SAS and SATA RAID controllers.
* BIND updated to 9.3.2
* sendmail updated to 8.13.6

NOTE: It was discovered at the last minute that the errata notes that got packaged with the release are out of date. For a complete list of known problems, please see the online errata list, available at:

For more information about FreeBSD release engineering activities, please see: