Ok the problem Is i am in search of a library for C++ that includes a MD5 generator.

I found one Crypto++ that has a MD5, except that the hash is stored in a byte array of which I cannot determine how I would compare to a md5 I have stored in a string.

I would love to get this one working actualy, then I can solve my problem. What do you think byte means?

byte const* pbData = ...;
 unsigned int nDataLen = ...;
 byte abDigest[SHA::DIGESTSIZE];
 SHA().CalculateDigest(abDigest, pbData, nDataLen);
 // abDigest now contains the hash of pbData


 if (!SHA().VerifyDigest(abDigest, pbData, nDataLen))
 	throw "abDigest does not contain the right hash";
Actualy here I am instructed to replace SHA() with MD5() but the code is suposed to be the same.

The situation is I have developed a program that generates posible keys (6 chars) and I have been told what the corect md5 checksum is, since there are so many possible matches, I need to now calculate the md5 for each possible match and compare to the md5 that was given to me.

Any ideas, all I need is a MD5 function.