I have a JAVA question...

I can't figure out how to combine a try/catch block with a do-while loop... I have a user input prompt (where the user is supposed to enter a number); if the user doesn't enter a number (but a letter, for example, instead), the catch block catches it, but I need it to repeat the request for that number input - I can't get it figured out, and ... I tried doing it in C# because I thought how to do it there, but I can't figure that out either anymore Now I'm not even sure anymore if a do-while is the right way to go...

Here's the code I'm talking about

String inputString1; // The number entered
int number1 = 0; // The input will be parsed as int
BufferedReader br1 = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); 
		System.out.print("Please enter the first number: "); // User prompt for the first number
		inputString1 = br1.readLine(); // User input first number
		number1 = Integer.parseInt(inputString1); // User's input parsed as an integer
		catch(NumberFormatException n)
			System.out.print("You must enter a number!");
In addition to displaying that "You must enter a number!" message, it should ask the user again to input that first number... I've tried the following (and a bunch of other possibilities), but it doesn't work...

		System.out.print("Please enter the first number: "); // User prompt for the first number
		inputString1 = br1.readLine(); // User input first number
		number1 = Integer.parseInt(inputString1); // User's input parsed as an integer
		catch(NumberFormatException n)
			System.out.print("You must enter a number!  Value initialized to zero!\n ");
Any suggestions?