
I recently had to find a simple (cheap), but effective way to backup
non-critical vm-boxes (non-critical in the sense that they only have to
be available 99%). Here, I will make available a little script of mine, which
makes use of the VMCOM-Api (VM-Server, no ESX).


Pure data-backup/restore usually is solved and unproblematic, however,
configurations and parametrisations of underlying software components often
are a pain, and, depending on their complexity, it takes hours up to days to
restore them in worst-case scenarios.

In an application service provider model, often customer-dedicated machines
are fully configured running on vm-boxes. So, by backing up the vm-boxes,
you actually are backing up all the necessary configurations and parametrisations.


The script performs a rotational backup (4 weekdays, 5 weekends (fridays)).
Events as well as exceptions are written to the application event log.
If you are running the vm-server in a 64bit-windows environment, make
sure (VMCOM-Api does not support (yet) 64bit) to start the script in a 32bit-environment by using

%WINDIR%\SysWOW64\cmd.exe /c VMBackup.vbs
in your at or scheduler.

Further pro/co's are up to you. The script has its value in certain
environments, but none in others. Decide yourself

If you have any suggestions/ideas, please let me know.


' Settings general

VMBoxDirectory = "Z:\VMBoxDirectory\"				' Backslash necessary
VMBoxDirectoryFile = VMBoxDirectory   & "Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition.vmx"     

BackupRootDirectory = "E:\VMBackups\"				' Backslash necessary

' Settings VMServer

VMServer_IP= ""      					' IP-Address VMWare Servers 
VMServer_Port= "902"               				' Port: 902 (default)
VMServer_Username= "username"            			' User (needs privileges to start/stop VMBox)
VMServer_Password= "password"        				' Password 

' Settings Script

VMServerConnectMaxTries = 10            			'Number of Tries to connect with the VMServer
VMConnectMaxTries = 10            				'Number of Tries to connect with the VMSBox

' Constants

Const FridayName = "Friday"					' Adjust for your culture setting

Const vmExecutionState_On = 1 
Const vmExecutionState_Off = 2 
Const vmExecutionState_Suspended = 3 
Const vmExecutionState_Stuck = 4 
Const vmExecutionState_Unknown = 5 
Const vmPowerOpMode_Hard = 1 
Const vmPowerOpMode_Soft = 2 
Const vmPowerOpMode_TrySoft = 3 

Const OneSecond = 1000 


' Variables

WeekDay = WeekDayName(WeekDay(Date)) 
NrFriday= Day(Date) \ 7 + 1

BackupDirectory = BackupRootDirectory & WeekDay 

If WeekDay = FridayName Then
	BackupDirectory = BackupDirectory & NrFriday
End If

Set WScript_Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 
Set FileSystemObject = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 

On Error Resume Next
Set VmCOM_VmConnectParams = CreateObject("VmCOM.VmConnectParams") 
If Err <> 0 Then
	ErrorHandler "VMCom-API not available.",true
End If

Set VmCOM_VmServerCtl = CreateObject("VmCOM.VmServerCtl") 
If Err <> 0 Then
	ErrorHandler "VMCom-API not available.",true
End If
Set WmCOM_VmCtl = CreateObject("VmCOM.VmCtl") 
If Err <> 0 Then
	ErrorHandler "VMCom-API not available.",true
End If

' VMServer connection

VmCOM_VmConnectParams.hostname 	= VMServer_IP
VmCOM_VmConnectParams.username 	= VMServer_Username
VmCOM_VmConnectParams.password 	= VMServer_Password
VmCOM_VmConnectParams.port 	= VMServer_Port

Connected = false 
For tries_srv = 1 To VMServerConnectMaxTries 
   VmCOM_VmServerCtl.Connect VmCOM_VmConnectParams  

   If Err.number = 0 Then 
         Connected = true 
         Exit For 
   End If 

   WScript.Sleep OneSecond 

If Connected = false Then 
	ErrorHandler "Could not establish the connection to the VMServer.",true
End If   

' VMBox connection

Connected_m = false 
For tries_vm = 1 To VMConnectMaxTries 
   WmCOM_VmCtl.Connect VmCOM_VmConnectParams, VMBoxDirectoryFile 

   If Err.number = 0 Then 
         Connected_m = true 
         Exit For 
     End If 

   WScript.Sleep OneSecond 
If Connected_m = false Then 

	ErrorHandler "Could not establish the connection to the VMBox " & VMBoxDirectoryFile & ".", true
End If    

' Suspend VMBox if vmExecutionState_On 

ps = WmCOM_VmCtl.ExecutionState 
If ps = vmExecutionState_On Then 


	psnew = WmCOM_VmCtl.ExecutionState 
	Do while psnew = vmExecutionState_On 
           WScript.Sleep OneSecond
	   psnew = WmCOM_VmCtl.ExecutionState

    was_on = true

ElseIf ps = vmExecutionState_Off Or ps = vmExecutionState_Suspended Then 

    was_on = false   

	ErrorHandler "Could not determine the state of the VMBox " & VMBoxDirectoryFile & ".", true
End If 

' Copy VMBox

XCOPY = "xcopy"            
Parameters = VMBoxDirectory & "* " & BackupDirectory & " /Y /C"

If (FileSystemObject.FolderExists(BackupDirectory) = false) then
	If Err <> 0 Then
		ErrorHandler "Error while creating the backup directory " & BackupDirectory & ".",true
	End If
End if

ps = WmCOM_VmCtl.ExecutionState 

If ps  = vmExecutionState_Off OR ps  = vmExecutionState_Suspended Then

    	WScript_Shell.run(XCOPY  & " " & Parameters)
	If Err <> 0 Then
		ErrorHandler "Error while copying.",false
	End If
End If

' Resume VMBox if suspended (ie if was_on = true)

If ps  = vmExecutionState_Off OR ps  = vmExecutionState_Suspended Then
	If was_on = true Then

		If Err <> 0 Then
			ErrorHandler "Error while starting the VMBox " & VMBoxDirectoryFile & ".", true
		End If
	End If
End If

WScript_Shell.LogEvent EVENT_SUCCESS, "VMBackup: Backup to " & BackupDirectory & " successfully created."

' ErrorHandling

Function ErrorHandler(Message, FullStop)
	WScript_Shell.LogEvent EVENT_ERROR, "VMBackup: " & Message

	If FullStop = true Then
	End If
End Function

'See for a few hints: http://www.admins-tipps.de/Microsoft/Windows_Scripting_Host_(WSH)/VBScript_zum_Starten_einer_VMWare-VM_und_Connect_per_RDP.htm