Hey all again, another question

Here is my setup.

Vista business connected via a ADSL router through network, no USB. I have some VPC running.

Question 1 - Is there a way to switch between accounts instantly. Maybe a 1 or 2 second disconnect and then reconnect. Can this only be done by loggin into your router and putting your other accounts details and saving the settings - this takes about 2 - 5 minutes. What I am really looking for is right clicking something and selecting the account not in use ( credentails already in there etc) and clicking connect. Something to that effect.

Question 2 - How does one use the International bandwidth account to log in a game which requires handshaking with servers overseas and then using the LOCAL only bandwidth to play the game. For instance for Battlefield 2 you need to log into EA accounts which is hosted at EA but the server is here in SA.

Question 3 - Is it possible for my VPC to use a local only account to say download torrents etc while I use the PC to play a game with my international account.

Some background - You may say to your self, why oh why does this one want to change accounts, you can buy a uncapped account for $ 20 a month or whatever. WRONG. Im in south africa, there is no such thing. We have hard capping and the only big accounts we can get at an affordable but still mad price is local only bandwidth. We use the local only account to download from newsgroups which is hosted internationally but somehow (I dont know) gets cached locally so we are able to get it.

Thanks for your time.