gore - I always feel like I am reading a small novel whenever you post.

I tried to shy away from the malicious... I think the worst thing I did was set autoexec.bat to loop... which the network admin wasn't smart enough to figure out, so he reloaded the os...

I also found a directory on a server that had a bunch of files showing up.. it seems like they had a .101 extension, but I can't remember for sure... It turns out they were emails going through the server... I still to this day do not know what kind of system it was, or why I was able to access it, but I was able to capture a large amount of email... Even found out about an impending divorce between one of the tech's and her husband.

One of my other favorite tricks was to switch the keyboard cables with the computer next to me... or just between two random systems. That is a good way to get usernames and passwords...

I also set a bunch of systems to have a homepage that I created with a username and password box. People would undoubtedly type their domain credentials into them. Those credentials would then be emailed to me...