
Cloud computing (in the sense that Cider is using it has been around forever) Surf Control, Web Sense anybody?

Remote access to applications and software.. Hum let me think.. Yes, yes... I seem to remember I was M$ certified on Windows NT4 Terminal server edition. Oh and CITRIX certified.

The major change that started all this "Cloud SHI7" was the Amazon and RackSpace architecture. Which I love btw. I have a Rackspace account. I run windows 2008 server, M$ SQL 2008 and SharePoint 2010. I am thinking about adding communication server.

Since I am running M$ SQL it cost's me $1.87 per hour to run. The ISP routs all connections through MX Logic (recently purchased by Mcafee - or the other way around) So antivirus is on the proverbial gateway.

I can add memory, processors, disk space as needed when needed. I'm not sure how much storage space I am limited to. There are too many zeros and I don't know what comes after TeraByte. Best thing is I can turn the whole thing off when not in use. I can use the site 6 hours every 3 months or 24X7 They don't care. Pay as you go is the best way for me.

Major applications, Oracle, Microsoft are all "cloud ready" Like I said nothing new, just a new way of doing it. RDP over HTTP for instance.

So for the love of Mike, PLEASE PEOPLE - IT'S THE INTERNET. Clouds are the things floating above us in the sky. Sometimes they're white, sometimes they're not, but they are NEVER, NEVER COMBUTER BASED!