The network attacks try to collect data and to check the vulnerabilities that can be later exploited to compromise the network in order to gain entry to the email accounts, databases, information systems or corporate networks. In practice, an effective network security strategy requires identifying threats and then choosing the most effective set of tools to combat them.

The recommended network security tools to be used are mainly:

  1. Antivirus software applications which are a set of packages that can counter most virus threats if they are regularly updated and correctly maintained,
  2. Secure network infrastructure devices such as routers and switches. These devices have hardware and software functions that enable secure connectivity, perimeter security, intrusion protection, identity services, and security management,
  3. Dedicated network security hardware and software tools such as firewalls and intrusion detection systems providing protection for all areas of the network and enabling secure connectivity between the network nodes,
  4. Virtual private networks provide access control and data encryption between two different computers on a network. This technology allows remote workers to connect to the network without the risk of ahacker or thief intercepting data,
  5. Identity service helps to identify users and control their activities and their transactions on the network. It consists of authenticating the users, with a username and a password, electronic identity or biometric access. Generally, the type of access depends on how critical the network services are and the combination of multiple types of access equates to what is called a two-factor authentication or multiple factor authentication. This combined mode provides a stronger authentication scheme since the user has to know, for example, the username/password and has match at the same time the biometric profile.
  6. Encryption ensures that messages cannot be intercepted or read by anyone other than the authorized communicating parties.