Was wondering if anybody can help or not...
Was reading the treads on keyboard tricks and mappers and it made me think of a problem I have with my laptop. I have a toshiba laptop that does not have the tildy "~" key. It's not much of an issue in Windows, but when I drop down to DOS, Window's filestructure falls to the 8.3 filesystem, thus making long Window's directories into c:\progra~1
I can't access any of these directories from DOS due to the lack of tildy! does anybody know of a possible alt+something combo or a alt+0### that would simulate it?
And, talking about my laptop, the screen is set to take 800x600 display, however, DOS displays in the 640x480 display, putting DOS in a rectangle with a 2" border around it... (suchs especially when trying to play games like Doom)
btw, the bios has nothing to fix this...

Just fishing to see if someone knows that to do....