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Thread: Search Engine submission 'exploit'

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2002

    Search Engine submission 'exploit'

    I guess, considering Mr. Miyagi and all those reds to dump to get 'balanced', now isn't a good time to post a tutorial. Oh well - maybe this proves I wasn't just in it for the greenies


    This is an exploit, if you want to call it that, to submit your site to multiple search engines. I'm not convinced that I should call it an exploit however, because though it uses a web site in a way it was not designed for, it is in no way meant to be malicious (other wise I wouldn't be posting it ).

    I am certainly not condoning /anyone/ to write a batch url insert program. Each of these steps could have been performed with a web browser, and I am simply demonstrating that they could have also been done with a script. This script only submits /one/ site at a time, and in practice requires that you go to the site manually to find where you want to post your site anyway.

    /Every/ site on the internet is succeptible to such benign 'expolits' because every webserver conforms to the relevant RFCs. You can't secure a webserver from this sort of thing without disconnecting it from the wall. I'm using /your/ service as specified - the only difference is I'm using it how /I/ want.

    History of the code
    This code was adapted from my TCPUtil application, so this is really the continuation of a previous tutorial entitled Scripting Internet Connections Under Window$ in which I explained the basic workings of this code. If you have any questions about how the code works or how to set this up it's all documented there.

    If you intend to use this, or re-work your own version, you will either need the sbwinsock.ocx control which is included in the TCPUtil distribution zip file (see below) and which is again documented in the previous article, or you can follow the instructions in the previous article to make your own control.

    What it does

    This code submits your website to the DMOZ. The DMOZ is the open directory project that provides data for half the search engines on the net including Google, yahoo, lycos, netscape etc. (get the full list here ) To protect themselves from people writing batch software to submit urls the submission requires the base64 value of the IP address of the submitter.

    What this script does is:
    1...parse the meta content of the website you supplied with the -s option
    2...load the page before the submission from the DMOZ and parse out this code
    3...submits the whole lot to the DMOZ submission page.

    You also have to specify where the link is to be submitted using the -w option (see usage).


    The usage for this script (from the command prompt) is as follows:
    Usage: dmoz [--site|-s] Url of site to submit
    [--where|-w] dmoz category to add site to
    [--email|-e] Optional Email addess
    [--Delay|-d] Page Time Out delay (in seconds) Default: 5 Seconds
    The site field is the full url eg.
    The where field, which selects the category where the link should be inserted should look something like this:
    The code!

    dim buffer,blncon,blnSkip,postvar,blnext 'Program Vars
    DIM port,sdelay,Verbose,debug,where,submitsite,email 'User Vars
    Dim oArgs, ArgNum 'Argument vars
    Const sckTCPProtocol=0 
    Const sckUDPProtocol=1
    const FlgDebug =1
    const flgVerbose =2
    const flgEcho =3
    WScript.Echo "--Register with DMOZ Utility."
    WScript.Echo "--(c)2002"
    WScript.Echo "--By ntsa"
    'Create the winsock object and pass the event handler tp wsPop_
    	out "Getting site information from " & submitsite & "...",flgEcho 
    	'Reset the buffer
    	buffer = ""
    	'Create the winsock object and pass the event handler tp wsPop_
    	on error resume next
    	Set tcpClient=WScript.CreateObject("sbWinsck.winsock","wsPop_")
    	if err.number > 0 then 
    		out "Could not create an instance of the SBWinsck control.",flgEcho
    		out "You need to register SBWinsck.ocx using the regsvr32",flgEcho
    		out "command. (ie regsvr32 c:\path\sbWinsck.ocx where c:\path",flgEcho
    		out "is the full path to the ocx file.",flgEcho
    	end if
    	tcpClient.Protocol = sckTCPProtocol
    	tcpClient.RemoteHost = submitsite
    	tcpClient.RemotePort =  port
    	postvar = "GET / HTTP/1.1" & vbcrlf & "HOST: " & submitsite & vbcrlf & vbcrlf
    	out postvar,flgDebug
    	initcon = initConnection 
    	out initcon,flgverbose
    	set tcpClient = nothing
    	a = replace(replace(LCASE(replace(buffer,chr(34), "'"))," ","+"),vbcrlf,"+")
    	out "a-->" & a,flgdebug
    	b = split(a,"<meta+name='description'+content=")
    	out "b-->" & a,flgdebug
    	on error resume next
    	c = split(b(1),">")
    	if err.number > 0 then
    		out "This sites meta content is either missing or incorrect",flgEcho
    	end if
    	description = mid(c(0),2,len(c(0))-2)
    	out "Page description: " & description,flgVerbose
    	on error resume next
    	b = split(a,"<title>")
    	c = split(b(1),"</title>")
    	title = c(0)
    	if err.number>0 then 
    		out "The Meta content is missing or incorect in the page.",flgecho
    	end if
    	out "Page title: " & title,flgVerbose
    	set tcpClient = nothing
    	out "Getting the Base64 IP (index) address of this machine from Dmoz...",flgecho
    	'Reset the buffer
    	buffer = ""
    	Set tcpClient=WScript.CreateObject("sbWinsck.winsock","wsPop_")
    	tcpClient.Protocol = sckTCPProtocol
    	tcpClient.RemoteHost = ""
    	tcpClient.RemotePort =  port
    	postvar = "GET /cgi-bin/add.cgi?where="& where &" HTTP/1.1" & vbcrlf & _
    	"HOST:" &  vbcrlf & vbcrlf
    	out postvar,flgDebug
    	initcon = initConnection 
    	out initcon,flgverbose
    	set tcpClient = nothing
    	a= split(buffer,"name=index value=")
    	b= split(a(1),">")
    	c= mid(b(0),2,len(b(0))-2)
    	index= c
    	out index,flgVerbose
    	set tcpClient = nothing
    	out "Posting the new submission..." & submitsite,flgEcho
    	'Reset the buffer
    	buffer = ""
    	Set tcpClient=WScript.CreateObject("sbWinsck.winsock","wsPop_")
    	tcpClient.Protocol = sckTCPProtocol
    	tcpClient.RemoteHost = ""
    	tcpClient.RemotePort =  port
    	content = "index="& index & _
    	  "&where="& where &"&lk=&ref=" & _ 
    	  "&url=http%3A%2F%2F" & submitsite & _
    	  "&title="& title & _ 
    	  "&description="& description & _
    	  "&email=" & email 
    	postvar = "POST /cgi-bin/add2.cgi HTTP/1.1" & vbCrLf & _
    	  "Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, " & _ 
    	  "application/, application/, " & _ 
    	  "application/msword, */*" & vbCrLf & _
    	  "Accept-Language: en-gb" & vbCrLf & _
    	  "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" & vbCrLf & _
    	  "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" & vbCrLf & _
    	  "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)" & vbCrLf & _
    	  "Host:" & vbCrLf & _
    	  "Content-Length: " & cstr(len(content)-1) & vbCrLf & _
    	  "Connection: Keep-Alive" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
    	out postvar,flgDebug
    	initcon = initConnection 
    	out initcon,flgverbose
    	set tcpClient = nothing
    	out buffer,FLGDEBUG
    	a = split(buffer,"<title>")
    	b = split(a(1),"</title>")
    	out b(0),flgecho
    function initConnection
    	out "Connecting to host: " & tcpClient.RemoteHost & " on port: " & _
    	"tcpClient.RemotePort & "...",flgDebug
    	tio = 0
    	do until blncon = true or blnskip = true or tio = sdelay *10
    		'out "Waiting for connection...",FlgDebug
    		tio = tio + 1
    	'Timed out - Could not connect
    	if tio = sdelay *2 and blnskip =false then 
    		out "Could not connect to: " & tcpClient.RemoteHost & " on port: " & _
    		"tcpClient.RemotePort & ".",FlgEcho
    	end if
    	tio = 0
    	do until blncon = false or tio = sdelay *10
    		'out "Waiting for disconnection...",FlgDebug
    		tio = tio + 1
    	initConnection = mid(buffer,10,3)
    end function
    Sub wsPop_DataArrival(Byval b)
      dim strdata
      out "Data Arrival...",flgDebug
      '/* Get the data and add it to the buffer...
      tcpClient.GetData strData,vbstring
      buffer = buffer & strdata
    end sub
    Sub wsPop_Connected()
    	blncon = true
    	blnskip = true
    	out "Connected...",flgDebug
    	'sending data to the host
    	out "Sending data...",flgDebug
    	if blncon = true then
    		tcpclient.SendData postvar
    	end if
    	out "Data sent.",flgDebug
    End Sub
    function RemoveDel(str)
    	RemoveDel = replace(str,"/","")
    	RemoveDel = replace(RemoveDel,"-","")
    	RemoveDel = replace(RemoveDel,"--","")
    end function
    function IsEmpty(str)
    	if str & "" = "" then 
    		isempty = true
    		isempty = false
    	end if
    end function
    function iCount(str,del)
    	icount =0
    	for i = 1 to len(str)
    		if mid(str,i,1) = del then
    			icount = icount +1
    		end if
    	icount = icount - 1
    end function
    sub out(str,flg)
    	select case flg
    		case flgEcho
    			wscript.echo str
    		case flgVerbose
    			if verbose = true or debug = true then
    				wscript.echo str
    			end if
    		case FlgDebug
    			if debug = true then
    				wscript.echo str
    			end if
    	end select
    end sub
    sub GetUserParams
    buffset = 0
    Set oArgs = WScript.Arguments
    ArgNum = 0
    While ArgNum < oArgs.Count
    Select Case RemoveDel(LCase(oArgs(ArgNum)))
    	Case "site","s":
    		ArgNum = ArgNum + 1
    		submitsite = oArgs(ArgNum)
    	Case "where","w":
    		ArgNum = ArgNum + 1
    		where = replace(oArgs(ArgNum),"!","/")
    	Case "delay","d":
    		ArgNum = ArgNum + 1
    		sdelay = oArgs(ArgNum)
    	Case "email","e":
    		ArgNum = ArgNum + 1
    		email = oArgs(ArgNum)
    	Case "help","?":
    		Call DisplayUsage
    	Case "verbose", "v":
    		Verbose = true
    	Case "debug","vv":
    		debug = true
    	Case Else:
    		WScript.Echo "Unknown argument "& oArgs(ArgNum)
    		Call DisplayUsage
    End Select	
    ArgNum = ArgNum + 1
    port = "80"
    if isempty(submitsite) then
    	out "Error - please use the -site switch to specify a URL to submit",flgecho
    	out "",flgecho
    end if
    if isempty(where) then
    	out "Error - please use the -where switch to specify submission category",flgecho
    	out "",flgecho
    end if
    if isempty(sdelay) then
    	'Set default as 3 second delay before breaking connection
    	sdelay = 5
    end if
    end sub
    Sub DisplayUsage
    WScript.Echo "Usage: dmoz [--site|-s] Url of site to submit"
    WScript.Echo "        [--where|-w] dmoz category to add site to"	
    WScript.Echo "        [--email|-e] Optional Email addess"
    WScript.Echo "        [--Delay|-d] Page Time Out delay" & _ 
    		   " (in seconds) Default: 5 Seconds"
    WScript.Echo "        [--Verbose|-v]"
    WScript.Echo "        [--debug|-vv]"
    WScript.Echo "        [--Help|/?]>"
    WScript.Echo ""
    WScript.Quit (1)	
    End Sub
    If you enjoyed this article why not read these others by the same author:
    Search Engine submission 'exploit'
    Forced shutdown of a remote nt/2k server
    Securing an installation of IIS 4. (No, seriously)
    Remote DSN Connections, using WinAPIs and the registry
    Scripting Internet Connections Under Window$
    \"I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.\"
    Sir Winston Churchill.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2002
    Best viewed at 1024 * 768 - sorry - I did my best to format the code, but this is as good as it gets without mangling the code.
    \"I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.\"
    Sir Winston Churchill.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2002
    Thanks for the read. Did you write that yourself? Or did you copy it? I am just curious.
    [gloworange]Die, or surrender, either way won\'t work.[/gloworange]

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2002
    Both the code and the documentation are 100% my own. Otherwise I would have quoted sources.

    Read this by negative. I certainly wouldn't want to argue with him
    \"I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.\"
    Sir Winston Churchill.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2002
    If you have problems cutting and pasting the code from above (as someone said they had) you can download the zipped DMOZ script from below.

    REMEMBER to read this FIRST:
    Scripting Internet Connections Under Window$

    You will need to register the sbwinsock control with regsrv32 as described in this document.
    \"I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.\"
    Sir Winston Churchill.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    That was a very interesting read.

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2002
    Originally posted here by ntsa
    If you have problems cutting and pasting the code from above (as someone said they had) you can download the zipped DMOZ script from below.

    REMEMBER to read this FIRST:
    Scripting Internet Connections Under Window$

    You will need to register the sbwinsock control with regsrv32 as described in this document.
    The guy who was having the problem with the code just came back to me and confirmed that I have mangled the code shown in the article trying to get it formatted ok.

    If you want to try to set this up for yourself download the dmoz zip file from my post above.
    \"I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.\"
    Sir Winston Churchill.

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2001
    this (WSH) really makes a windows box a mean machine.

    i am so dammed impressed with the things your doing with WSH, im studing all you code like scripture. i WANT this under my belt.

    thanks again
    Bukhari:V3B48N826 “The Prophet said, ‘Isn’t the witness of a woman equal to half of that of a man?’ The women said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘This is because of the deficiency of a woman’s mind.’”

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2002
    Wow! Thanks
    \"I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.\"
    Sir Winston Churchill.

  10. #10
    AO Curmudgeon rcgreen's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Thumbs up

    I'm not quite clear on this. Does it make your site have a
    higher priority in a search, or is it that you wouldn't be found
    unless you submitted your URL by this method?
    I came in to the world with nothing. I still have most of it.

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