October 2nd, 2001, 07:30 PM
Junior Member
Anyone know of some good firewalls or give me some feedback if they have used BLACKICE server!! Im running 2000 Pro should i use something esle?
October 2nd, 2001, 07:44 PM
Senior Member
Aparrently blackice doesn't alert you to attacks that eminate from the inside, so, say you get infected with a trojan in the form of an innocent looking email attachment, somebody could connect to your pc and blackice wouldn't let you know about it - although this is just what i've heard, i've never used it so i don't know. On my little network i've just got an old 166 running a minimal linux distribution and an ipchains script i rolled myself, but this isn't to everyones taste so you may want to try tiny personal firewall which i've heard quite a few people talk highly of.
October 2nd, 2001, 08:06 PM
Tiny Personal Firewall for windows www.tinysoftware.com . Unless you want the challenge and excitement of building your own linux firewall .
Antionline in a nutshell
\"You\'re putting the fate of the world in the hands of a bunch of idiots I wouldn\'t trust with a potato gun\"
Trust your Technolust
October 2nd, 2001, 08:28 PM
Junior Member
I just got a copy of LINUX 7.1 and just found out that you can DUAL boot it with windows i think i might give it a try. But i have no experience with LINUX, hahaha what do you think my chances are of making that firewall now???
October 2nd, 2001, 08:38 PM
I use Blackice at home and at work. I am behind a Pix firewall at work but certain ports are open to my computer so I can access it from home. Blackice has caught quite a few things coming this way internal and external.
I would recommend Blackice for a cheap secure personal firewall.
October 2nd, 2001, 08:46 PM
You can DUAL boot between linux and windows, Read up on LILO
In fact, im a dual booter...
but there's some things about it that suck ass...
for example, you either have to re-partition your drive, hence losing the data on any partition that you change, or your gonna have to give linux it's own drive, and windows it's own drive.
I highly recommend the second option, because it allows you to move the linux part of the box without moving the windows side, or vice versa... Or if you want a new drive for your windows drive, you dont have to use both.
October 2nd, 2001, 08:47 PM
Junior Member
I started out using BlackIce defender, switched to Zone-Alarm, and finally to Tiny. I found that BlackIce was not enough protection so I made the switch to Zone-alarm, which I was always very please with right up to the end.
I only made the switch to Tiny when I was certain that I knew enough to configure it. IMO Tiny is richer in control than either of the other two here, only you need to know a thing or two to set it up. The below link is a comparison that is on the GRC website of a number of firewalls and how they fared on the Leak Test.
GRC.com Leak Test
October 2nd, 2001, 10:28 PM
Junior Member
I too am a dual booter using Lilo boot manager and running both Windows and Red Hat 7.0. You'll be surprised how easy it actually is to partition your hard drive and install another operating system.
As far as firewalls are concerned you cant go past Tiny in my opinion. Unlike Giovanni, Tiny does "win hans down"
October 2nd, 2001, 10:44 PM
Zone Alarm is tough to beat. www.zonelabs.com
October 2nd, 2001, 11:27 PM
The free version of Tiny Personal Firewall beats the free version of Zone Alarm hands down, in my opinion. It's only downside is a few small interface-bugs, and being unable to use seperate rules for different adapters, but otherwise I think it really does well against ZA, because it lets you use IP/Port based rules, as well as application-based.
[HvC]Terr: L33T Technical Proficiency
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