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Thread: Newbies to Gurus, Start your engines.

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Lightbulb Newbies to Gurus, Start your engines.

    Alrighty then! Are you tired of sitting in front of your monitor reading everything from how-to to why-nots? Well let me give you a few ideas that will get you going.

    Ever wanted a home network but you think you don't have the money? Well you don't need a lot of money, especialy if you are using Linux. Take all those useless old computers you and your friends have laying around all over the room and put any size hard drive in them. 300mb min recommended no more than 1gb max unless running seriouse (spelled wrong i bet) servers.

    Now install your favorite distro of Linux. Now get a few serial cables, or make your own (it's really not that hard if i can understand it, then you can) Now read the Terminal and Serial How-Tos in linux. After you do this setup terminals made out of all those old computers all over your house.

    Have one in the Bathroom for those times you get an idea but aren't quit "done" with bussiness.

    Also good for getting that really nifty shell script completed when you have to run all over the house.

    Thats all for now, I have tons more.
    Whats a \"START\" button?

  2. #2
    wow you sound like a true guru, did you know that setup is how JP has AntiOnline setup, well except in the bathroom...JP write a shell script hoho he contracts out to see up his mandrake dialup uplink

    >>300mb min recommended no more than 1gb max unless running seriouse (spelled wrong i bet) servers.

    ya because who needs network services on their network

    and what on earth is with you and linux. Linux is pure bloatware. Have you actually ever did a fresh 300 meg installation, what on earth did you do with it? display the /usr/src/* directory structure?

    and what kind of tutorial says "read the how-to"?



  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Aug 2001
    and what kind of tutorial says "read the how-to"?
    It's the same kind of convention that the windows help system is founded on <if you need help just try everything till it works and if it doesn't look somewhere else>.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Jul 2001


    It never hurts to ask for advice as well

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Oct 2001

    Red face

    It is not a tutorial, Its an idea. and 300mb is plenty of space to run linux with services. I was trying to show that it is possible to run a network without expensive equipment.

    This idea is not for running major servers it is for in house personal use. Shellscripting, perl, programming, databasing. Not for WWW, NFS, FTP. I am sorry if anyone took this as a tutorial.
    Whats a \"START\" button?

  6. #6
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Bemidji, Minnesota


    tutorials for linux are gay...just read the ****ing manuals ...duh...that's all the tutorial a person would ever need...of course you might need a tutorial to find the manuals that actually help a person out

  7. #7
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    This idea is not for running major servers it is for in house personal use. Shellscripting, perl, programming, databasing. Not for WWW, NFS, FTP. I am sorry if anyone took this as a tutorial
    Actually NFS is Linux not Windows. NTFS is Windows.
    [gloworange]\"A hacker is someone who has a passion for technology, someone who is possessed by a desire to figure out how things work.\" [/gloworange]

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