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Thread: Hello

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Does anyone know how stable Mac os X is?
    I use 8.6 and it crashes alot.. heh.

  2. #2
    Just a Virtualized Geek MrLinus's Avatar
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    Redondo Beach, CA


    Hey Zastro,

    Have you thought about upgrading to 9.1? I use it and its pretty decent. If you go to OS X be prepared for a surprise as its based heavily on the BSD unix. I've heard the release is ok althought the java component is a tad slowish.

    Part of a decision to upgrade to OS X may be what you want to do with it.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    I never really liked mac OS. Always kept crashing on me and not to compatible with most programs. I don't think that answered your question.
    [gloworange]\"A hacker is someone who has a passion for technology, someone who is possessed by a desire to figure out how things work.\" [/gloworange]

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    I've never come across a truly stable OS. Wether it's Micro$oft, Apple or even Linux. After installing Red Hat though the instances of OS crashes have reduced by around 90%!:


  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    I will probably switch to linux whenever I find a cheap computer to install it on.

    I am not too impressed by Mac os x. Seems like a waste of money.

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    So far the most stable Linux system that i have found is Red Hat 7.1. It has only crashed once since I bought it when it first came out. And that was only because I pulled the power plug to the wrong computer. The most stable Windows system I found yet is Win2K.
    [gloworange]\"A hacker is someone who has a passion for technology, someone who is possessed by a desire to figure out how things work.\" [/gloworange]

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    I have used X since the Beta, but I do not have OS X 10.1, YET.

    The Beta was an interesting OS, simply because it was a complete change. OS X 10.0.1 - 10.0.4 were disappointing in several ways, because while the stability and usability kept increasing with each update, no one was developing for it, because everyone was waiting for 10.1. I stopped using OS X, and actually stripped it off of my Harddrive, but only as a temporary measure. I am planning on getting 10.1, because I want it to be good. Seeing a "Cathedral" company completely scrap an OS they have produced for almost 20 years, and move to a system that is both Open Source (Darwin) and closed (Aqua) is pretty amazing.

    Even though I haven't been that impressed with OS X yet, it wasn't because of stability, the stability has been getting better and better since the beta, and apparently 10.1 is like a whole new OS; much faster, more stable, and finally companies are developing for it. M$ Office was released almost simultaneously as 10.1!

    My biggest worry about OS X is the amount of network stuff being put into it. It sounds like Apple put a lot of stuff into it so that the average user can use it easily, which means there is going to be a lot of stuff that really doesn't need to be used, but hopefully they won't be enabled by default.

    OS X isn't for the faint of heart yet, I still think the only people moving to it right now are those that have a need to be cutting edge, or are just really inquisitive. If you are here, then you probably fall into the inquisitive part. If price is an issue, and you want to screw with the underpinnings of OS X, d/l Darwin from Apple's site. I have it installed on my system, it really points out the differences between Linux/BSD and Darwin, but you have to get used to bein in command line until you install x-windows.

    Ok, so I have blabbered a lot, and not really that much about your question. I also hope I haven't sounded to evangelist about it either, I am just glad to see Apple finally release an OS worthy of their hardware, even if it is still "adolescent". When I get my copy of 10.1, and I will, I plan on making it my main OS, for better or worse. There are some great OS X forums out there, and for the most part I have been hearing good things about it, like uptimes of 25+ days.

    Well after editing this ump-teen million times before hitting post, I think I have managed to waste a lot of time and say very little. I hope I have been helpful.


  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Having not liked OSX when I've used it, I'm excited about 9.5. The rumour is it could have more carbon support, which could be good for those who don't like OSX. It also could have better boot speed. Other then that I know nothing. But I already prefer 9.2 to X, so I'm sure I'll prefer 9.5. Anyone else heard anything about it?

  9. #9

    Red face oh my f00kin gawd!

    Originally posted by messenoir
    Having not liked OSX when I've used it, I'm excited about 9.5. The rumour is it could have more carbon support, which could be good for those who don't like OSX. It also could have better boot speed. Other then that I know nothing. But I already prefer 9.2 to X, so I'm sure I'll prefer 9.5. Anyone else heard anything about it?
    Ok.. Now I am sorry to all the windows xp hippies.. cuz these macintosh l00vin monkey f00kers are just damned stupid..

    MAC OS X is the ONLY decent MAC OS there ever was!!!!

    So complain about how mac invented gui.....

    So damned what?

    You peeps are damned stupid..

    MAX OS X is the real MAC OS.. it is unix baby..

    But any previous version is basically for the computing idiots.

    You all are a disgrace to computer users everywhere...

    Now I expect you peeps to be e-mailin me mac based virii compressed in HPX form.. but know what? Im a linux guy..

    So uh.. your kinda f00ked in your lil mac 9x and before pathetic lifes...

    Well I have said my piece.. just because i was here.. I know your forum will become threefold what it is now...

    Bye you Apple l00vin hippie graphical FREAKS!!!!

    My you all die in your happy lil mac free world.

    Hackers are impervious. Resistant is futile.

  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2001
    Thank you. No, I mean it. I will freely admit I am a computer idiot compared to many people, which might be why I like the OS I am using. However, I do like it, so anyone who can help me with my question would be appreciated.

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