--> Greetings, General Chit-Chat Forum readers, this is what is on my mind:
--> While any healthy human being finds the Sept 11 attacks to be unspeakeble, so too do I find the use of the resulting emotion to pass dangerous policy changes unspeakable.
--> Consider these items in the new Senate Terrorist Bill 1510:
->An entire 501C3 organization or other organization, including its
members, can have their assets seized for supporting bodily acts or international causes that the U.S. Secretary of State may deem terrorist activity. Political activities that were legal prior to S.1510 may "RETROACTIVELY" be deemed terrorist activity by U.S. Government. Participants and supporters may be charged with terrorist and other offenses.
->S.1510 "RETROACTIVELY" abolishes the "Statue of Limitations" for many past offenses where no one was injured. After passage of S.1510, any past offense that can be broadly alleged to have put someone "at risk" may be used by federal and state prosecutors to charge a citizen with a terrorist act - even 30 years after the Statute of Limitations period had already
passed. Government will have no difficulty manufacturing evidence to prosecute citizens once Constitutional safeguards against passing Retroactive Laws are abolished after passage of S.1510.
-->Note: U.S. Government agencies will be able to seize assets of citizens, 501C3 and other organizations and their members WITHOUT EVER DISCLOSING the evidence against their property. Government need only ALLEGE that disclosing such evidence MAY compromise National security and/or an ongoing investigation.
-->AntiOnline is just the sort of venue that someday mat run afoul of such tyranny, especially with the sort of uneducated attacks on "hackers" going on these days.
-->If you want to read the entire text of this bill for yourself, go to http://Thomas.loc.gov, to
the 107th Congress, and Senate Bill 1510.

-->Remember, when trying to understand events such as these, always ask the RIGHT questions, such as:
Who Gains? Certainly not "radical Islam", certainly not anyone unlucky enough to wear a turban, certainly not the lawful Americans about to lose vital liberties "in defense of freedom".
Who gains? Certainly, those who desire such collective population control measures, and those ancillary industries that will be paid to build the necessary infrastructure to enforce all this crap.
-->Remember, the above bill is only one of many that are currently in the mill.

-->Are we doomed to repeat history? Are we so ready to follow the leads of those who have made the same mistakes before us? Are we to follow the German mistake of the latter Bismarck years? Or the Russians of the Czarist period? Must we follow the Romans as they did in their trust of the deceitful Crassus, who stole their freedom to protect them from his bogus enemy? Are we gonna swallow this crap? Please, fellow thinkers, Just Say No.

While not usually an ACLU supporter, I agree with them here:

-->thought-provoking editorial:

-->to get an idea of what different groups are thinking, see:

--> to learn about the dangerous FISA powers, soon to be expanded to include you and i, see:

-->for more of an editorial on FISA courts, see:

-->this is the sort of insane power-grabbing after terror that i am talking about: