October 18th, 2001, 01:35 AM
XP andFire walls
Lately I havent seen alot of stuff on XP..... when is it supposed to drop? I know it is sometime this month, but i heard it is supposed to have high security, such as encryption & decryption and firewalls and etc..... speaking of firewalls..... What are some firewalls for WIN ME? I want something protects my ports and etc.... as well as any viruses that might be on a download as well.
And does anyone know of a place where i can get aim add ons? (PRoGs?) thank you for your time.....
October 18th, 2001, 01:52 AM
Senior Member
XP ships on the 29 I believe (although you can get it preloaded on computers already). As far as their new firewall capabilities I must say I am not very impressed. Just about any sandalone firewall product on the market today is better.
Some firewalls:
Zone Alarm http://www.zonelabs.com
BlackIce http://www.networkice.com
Tiny Personal Firewall http://www.download.com/ (search for it)
None of these (nor any others) will block viruses, though. You also need an anti-virus program for that.
\"If you torture the data enough, it will confess.\" --Ronald Coase
October 18th, 2001, 02:54 AM
The build it firewall in WinXp is not all that bad, but he does not do what i expect of a firewall since he does not stop outgoing traffic that is why i also have zonealarm installed.
I tested the WinXp firewall at www.grc.com and everything was in stealth mode so it is not a bad firewall i guess.
WinXp does not offer many security benefits over win2k that i am aware of, my oppionion of WinXp is similar to the one i have at winME, windowsMe is simply a minor upgrate over win98Se
and so is WinXP a minor upgrate from Win2K ...
I wrote a minor review of WinXp here if you r interested
Smile ... tomorrow will be worse
October 18th, 2001, 06:35 AM
xp encryption?
i'm using xp-pro build2600 and i enabled it's firewalls eversince i installed it. but i did not use ntfs. is there any way that my personal folders will be encrypted or unviewable when booted from another harddisk? just like the old nt-security?
When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes
i am NOT a hacker :Þ
October 18th, 2001, 06:52 AM
Senior Member
To encrypt the folders you want, just select the folders, right-click, select properties, then hit the advanced button and checkmark the "Encrypt contents to secure data". Then there would be no way to recover the files in those directories if you boot from another drive.
\"If you torture the data enough, it will confess.\" --Ronald Coase
October 19th, 2001, 12:33 AM
Zonealarm just came out with a new update that works on XP. Goto the link that ivan37 has for zonelabs.
[gloworange]\"A hacker is someone who has a passion for technology, someone who is possessed by a desire to figure out how things work.\" [/gloworange]
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