Let me clear a few things up:

First of all, if you went to my school, you would understand why I did this....believe me you would understand.

School web site hacking really doesnt require skill, but its something better to do in vb class when your bored.

And 3rd, the network admin blocks EVERYTHING. Everyone in the school hates him, including the vb and comp teachers because of what he does. He uses programs to capture images off of the teachers computers and constantly spys on them. It's easy to tell that he's doing it, because your entire computer will freeze for about 8 seconds. It's really...well...gay.

Teachers and students have reported him blocking websites that are perfectly ok to the school board, but they havent really done anything about it at all. The principle doesnt even understand why he blocks these sites.

So, this web site defacing has a reason, believe it or not.

I do not think that I am a "l337 hax0r" because I defaced a web site, this is really a voice from the computer studends on Peters Township High: "Network admin: stop being such an ass."