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Thread: Props to instructors.

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Props to instructors.

    This posting is somewhat left of center. Ok here is the situation, I currently go to school for Website/Network Development at a University close to me and I have to say that I have one of the most insightful instructors on the face of the planet. The guy will often email students just for idle chat, no schooling is brought up. If you require help or have questions his turn around time for responding to emails is about 30 minutes everytime. He sets up damaged sites or similar sites and has us pick them apart to find the flaws. Its a refreshing feeling to have someone offer such a hands on approach to this area of IT. God Bless the Educators. Peace.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Sounds like a really good way to learn.
    [gloworange]\"A hacker is someone who has a passion for technology, someone who is possessed by a desire to figure out how things work.\" [/gloworange]

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