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Thread: Can anyone help me....

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Question Can anyone help me....

    this is my first post on the site. i have a problem. my system's sound card doesn't work in WinNT/2k, but it works fine in Win98/95/Me. I have a built-in sound card of sb-pro on the motherboard of TXPro-2.
    When i purchased the system, the card was working fine on both type of windows but its not working. When i try to install it on WinNT/2k, an error message appears that Windows Sound System Board does not found on this machine.

    Can anybody help me...

  2. #2
    Download new drivers and then install it

  3. #3


    I'm not too familiar with 2k.. as for nt.. I'd say d/l new drivers.. also, which systems do you have on your comp? apparently.. you have both nt AND 2k? and you've previously had 95, 98 AND me?? how many os do you have?

    Elen sila lumenn omentielvo..

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Angry read it..

    dear Cmd_Spook..

    i have the original CD that came with the motherboard. in past, i have installed the same driver from the same CD on WinNT and that was working fine but now , its not working. i have tried many CDs as well but no success....

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2001
    currently i have only two OS, i.e. Win95 and Win2k(pro) on a Intel Pentium 1 (200MMX) machine. Whenever i want to listen some music or any sound, i have to shut down Win2k (bcz i generally works on Win2k) and then reboot it on Win95. hope you could understand how boring it is...

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Oct 2001
    If you're running a motherboard that's built to take a Pentium 1 processor, I find it hard to believe you have a built-in Sound Blaster Live! sound card. Go to your device manager and try intstalling drivers from there. Be sure to be dialed into the internet (assuming you use a dialup connection), and tell it to check Windows update. You may find drivers, but there is a good chance you will not. It's not practical for the operating system to provide drivers for an old piece of hardware. The reason the sound drivers on your CD won't work is because they're not written for Windows 2000. Windows 2000 wasn't even in the planning stages when that motherboard was out. If you can find drivers for it on the motherboard company's website, install those. I doubt you will, though. I think there is a good chance you will have to buy a new card.

  7. #7


    I had a very similar problem a while ago. One day the sound card worked fine and the next day, no matter what I tried, it just wouldn't work. It drove me crazy and I spent countless hours installing and re-installing drivers etc.

    Then one day a younger family member was over and asked if she could play around on the PC. Although I hate kids messing about with my PC I agreed.

    After she left and I got back online I was amazed to hear that the sound was working once again. I gave her a call and asked what she did....You wont believe this........SHE JUST INSTALLED QUAKE! As simple as that!

  8. #8
    Senior Member bAgZ's Avatar
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    Jul 2001
    If i was you i would get on the web and get the latest drivers. I had lots of compatability problems when i installed 2k. Problem is that some hardware is not at all supported. If thats the case then bad luck you gonna have to upgrade... Hmm dont use 2k unless you absolutly have to it definetly gives lots of problems.

  9. #9

  10. #10
    You need to install new driver for your m/board. Bcoz it was a built in card so u need to download a new driver.

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