Hey All,

I'm currently building a "complex" network as part of subject I'm doing at Tafe. I've encountered a problem with the domain trusts, in that they won't work...

When attempting to add the trust and trusting domains under User Manager for Domains, it just gives me a message that it is unable to contact the PDC for that domain...

I can ping the Domain Controller across the network, so I know that the physical connection is good...

The setup is there are three domains, each on its own hub. These hubs are connected together with Cisco Routers...

Before the network was segmented, attempting to add the trusts didn't work, but it didn't say that it couldn't contact the PDC of that domain, just that the trust couldn't be verified.
*I think that was the message.. I wasn't working on it at that stage, someone else was and they didn't record the error message*

Any help would be appreciated...