October 30th, 2001, 01:16 PM
November 7th, 2001, 07:38 PM
I got XP on my new computer and it works great! Speed and stability are awsome.
A kool new GUI, but for those that want the original Windows 9x GUI, you can easily switch back to it. I would recommend to people to buy it if they have a computer with decent speed and memory (600 MHZ, 128 meg ram and up).
Sure it treats everyone as an administrator by default, but that is easily changed.
My only problem so far was with my D-Link webcam. (XP said it hadn't been XP certified so it couldn't be guaranteed to work right.)
8/10 rating from me for a job pretty well done by Microsoft.
November 7th, 2001, 08:23 PM
Junior Member
as much as i hate MS and as evil as XP still is I give 'em a 9/10 for the product. I wouldn't deal with it if I didn't have the cracked version, though. I don't deal well with online registration/passport bs.
November 8th, 2001, 05:54 PM
I ran 2 different beta versions of Windows XP, and loved it at first. But like any Microsoft OS, after a month, it began to show its true colors. I hated it. It's a huge resource hog, and everything is moved. Microsoft is also being total Nazis with their key regristration, and all the info they collect on your computer when you're on the internet. With Windows XP, privacy is a thing of the past. I think Windows XP would be a great poster child for Linux.
November 8th, 2001, 09:30 PM
Junior Member
I have XP also (it came on my Dell Inspiron 8100) it seems ok at first but after a little while, I seem to get a lot of "Blue screens" that were "gone" after 2000. (The interesting thing is that the first blue screen i got was after installing MS Office XP, go figure )Except these blue screens are memory dumps...it can't be too little power because the machine I have has 1GHz w/512Mb of RAM. As soon as I can find a good HOWTO on installing Red Hat or Mandrake on it I will. Everything I use it for can be done with StarOffice and XMMS.
November 12th, 2001, 04:52 AM
Hi! I was just passing by and I can't help seeing topic on WIN XP! Well, just one thing, XP SUCKS! Microsoft is always using Windows 98 and comparing it to Windows 2000 and XP. I don't see them using Linux or Windows NT and compare its stability to Windows XP.
Unless you want Microsoft to spy on you forever, SUGESSTION: MOVE BACK TO WINDOWS 2000!
November 12th, 2001, 05:36 AM
I have XP running on a PII 350 with 128MB RAM and it runs like a dream. Under Windows 98, this computer was rather slow, but on XP it runs quite smoothly...
There are some interface changes which are quite annoying, but thankfully, Microsoft has left in the ability to change it to other interface types.
I have installed Office XP on it, and it is still stable, although there is more hard drive access now..
To Lawrence171: XP is built on the Windows 2000 code, so if Microsoft can spy on you with XP, they most likely can spy on you with 2000. If you want to get away from Microsoft spying on you, then you would be recommended to either leave your computer off all the time, or switch to an alternate OS.
My opinion: XP is quite nice. Takes a bit adjusting too, and all the pretty things are just excessive things which offer nothing usefull....
\"Isn\'t sanity just a one trick pony anyway? I mean, all you get is one trick. Rational Thinking.
But when you\'re good and crazy, hehe, the skies the limit!!\"
November 12th, 2001, 12:43 PM
Senior Member
Re: XP is canon fodder
My issue with XP is in the politics behind it. Additionaly, while it is the first time Windows has had native firewall capability /* 2001 A.D. */ it is worse with default user security as others have stated. But then again if users didn't ***** up their systems almost constantly some of us would have to find other careers.
Know this..., you may not by thyself in pride claim the Mantle of Wizardry; that way lies only Bogosity without End.
Rather must you Become, and Become, and Become, until Hackers respect thy Power, and other Wizards hail thee as a Brother or Sister in Wisdom, and you wake up and realize that the Mantle hath lain unknown upon thy Shoulders since you knew not when.
November 12th, 2001, 04:55 PM
I'm going to wipe my install of XP, I've found it too clunky and too fluffy for my liking, the final annoyance is the fact the machine keeps locking up for about half a second every so often, this has never happened using 2000 professional, 2000 server etc, so it's back to Suse 7.3 as my primary OS on my main machine.
November 25th, 2001, 05:55 AM
Junior Member
Well, hmmmm...
I have both Home and Pro versions of XP running on a peer to peer home network. As far as networking capabilities go, XP sux ass!!! For an OS that was based on the NT Kernal its networking features suck ass. It isnt compatible with IPX Netbui ...actually everything except TCP\IP. Now that would be fine except that you can have only one instance of TCP\IP installed, so dont think about accesing more thatn one network.
Other than my hang ups about the network interface, I have no qualms with the OS. I has been extremely stable and smooth running. The only incompatibility was with Sygate Personal Firewall, but that was easily fixed ... anyways, I give it an 8/10
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