October 31st, 2001, 08:25 PM
Life or Prison !
I have one simple question if the government decided to enforce more laws on the Internet that would retain to invasion of privacy and such would it be worth Protesting for or letting the government declare that it is "Security" and let them decide what is right. I personally don't see many protests anymore about the way the government is taking away or rights and civil liberites.I see the media and other major government officals telling us what to do and herding us like sheep. I don't thinkg send e-mails, or having or senators speak for us is doing anything any more. Maybe it's a bad idea, maybe it's a good one what do you think?
October 31st, 2001, 09:28 PM
Right now in the states they are arresting who ever speaks out and are holding them with out charging them. When this happens ask yourself if you will be next for disagreeing with the government. The new laws that Bush has signed they are almost as bad as the thought police in Afganastan.Before long will our doors be broken down and taken to jail because we said something on the web that the government didn`t like or visited a site that was not considered appropriate. Be afraid people be very afraid of lossing your freedom.
No good deed goes unpunished.
October 31st, 2001, 11:11 PM
There should be something done to tell the government, that yeah, we'd like you to catch the terrorists and we'll give up a little privacy, but no we'd rather that you didn't take it all. To fight a dictatorship(The Taliban), the Bush administration is slowly becoming a dictatorship. Sort of like 'to catch a hacker you have to think like a hacker.' I don't really like it, but I don't plan on doing much to get in trouble for. But when the first case of horribly unfair invasions of privacy then let the protests begin...
November 1st, 2001, 02:49 AM
It's good to know that people on this board know what's going on with our country. I find it still astonishing that the average american still isn't aware of this.In my opinon every one and everything should have a idea about what Bush administration is doing. Maybe I missed the live telecast, or radio show but I haven't seen a damn news article that's been published or a t.v. news show even talking about it. Does the government consider that talking to the american people about the loss of there civial rights to be an act of terroism or protection. I know that the media latley has been active with the topic of anthrax, and Bin Ladin. But what about this, what type of diversions would the government go through to pre ocupy us. After all the u.s. people are just sheep being herded by the government.
November 1st, 2001, 04:35 PM
Life or prison eh?
The choice is a difficult one. If I kowtow to the oppressors won't I effectively be a prisoner? Wouldn't I be more free in prison, ok they can deny me my physical freedom but never my freewill.
More dangerous radical thoughts to follow, that may land me up in prison. *lol*
PZ [Bastard Philosophy]
November 1st, 2001, 04:59 PM
I've said it here before and I'll say it again.
'The days of revolution are well and truly dead.'
November 1st, 2001, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by Ennis
I've said it here before and I'll say it again.
'The days of revolution are well and truly dead.'
*Heh* Well I don't know what the hell you are yabbering on about again ?! Aren't you the kid that uploads p0rn onto AO server then removes it with a thousand appologies *grin* You ain't even old enough to understand what a revolution is, so STFU.
The days of r Evolution and adapation are still going strong as far as I'm aware... Darwin hit the nail on da head with that beauty. So whatever sneak system the entity (known to many as the Military/Intelligence/Legal/Judicial/Policing i.e. control system) evolves in it's armoury of control weapons, there will be a counter measure to circumnavigate it's effectiveness *wink*
The only loser in this evolutionary war are the innocent bystander citizens losing all their rights and liberties *har har*
PZ [Ageist Bastard]
November 1st, 2001, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by Paul Zest
*Heh* Well I don't know what the hell you are yabbering on about again ?! Aren't you the kid that uploads p0rn onto AO server then removes it with a thousand appologies *grin* You ain't even old enough to understand what a revolution is, so STFU.
Yes, I am that kid that made a slight mistake, rectified it and didnt expect a childish flame for it either.
Maybe I am not old enough to understand revolution, Im not. That saddens me, however I feel old enough to ignore you're childish, yes childish, post and move on and let you babble and just sit back.
Enjoy yourself, you are indeed a funny man......
November 1st, 2001, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by Paul Zest
The days of r Evolution and adapation are still going strong as far as I'm aware... Darwin hit the nail on da head with that beauty. So whatever sneak system the entity (known to many as the Military/Intelligence/Legal/Judicial/Policing i.e. control system) evolves in it's armoury of control weapons, there will be a counter measure to circumnavigate it's effectiveness *wink*
The only loser in this evolutionary war are the innocent bystander citizens losing all their rights and liberties *har har*
Hold your horses, Paul! If you want to quote geniuses, at least do it correctly.
Darwins theory is about evolution and adaptation, that's correct. Evolution is a gradual - as in by degrees, or little by little - development to something better or higher, revolution on the other hand is a brusque change. Revolution is NOT what Darwin's theory was about. The counter measures you talk about do not fit in Darwin's theory...
There's no such thing as an 'evolutionary war': 'evolutionary war' is a contradiction pur sang. Point.
You ain't even old enough to understand what a revolution is, so STFU.
I'm pretty sure no-one on the AO forums (except for the guy that is older than God) is old enough to really understand what a revolution is...
November 1st, 2001, 10:16 PM
Well I usually like Negatives replies in this forum but unfortunately he sometimes jumps in feet first without engaging his brain, for the sake of looking clever
Hold your horses, Paul! If you want to quote geniuses, at least do it correctly.
Usually a quote is surrounded by a recognisable quotation identifier. i.e. <quote> some quote </quote> or something like, Negative wrote "Hold your horses ..." however I never actually saw any such quote around anything I wrote??! Stop reading too much between the lines there Neg me old Waffle. *snicker*
Negative wrote, incorrectly.
Evolution is a gradual - as in by degrees, or little by little -
What the hell did you get your PhD in Neg?! certainly not evolutionary systems *hehe* There are other theories on evolution ya know, you seem to be refering to the 'gradulism' theory. Maybe you ought to read up on 'punctuation' theory for example *wink* before you start making ridiculous statements, like that.
Negative went onto try and show Paulie up with his magnificant knowledge and grasp of weighty issues in the field of evolution / revolution.
Neg's uber brain somehow hiccuped and burped
revolution on the other hand is a brusque change. Revolution is NOT what Darwin's theory was about. The counter measures you talk about do not fit in Darwin's theory...
*hehe* Yeah okay, you were thrown by the Darwin redherring (Darwin da Grandaddy of evolutionary theory ... *cough* updated abit in his absence i.e. It's EVOLVED a bit since Neg's last voyage on the Beagle *grin* )
So go readup in your Encyclopedia Brittanica rEvolution, as in punctation theorist version of evolution, mkay.
Splitting hairs again, ey Neg *wink*
There's no such thing as an 'evolutionary war': 'evolutionary war' is a contradiction pur sang. Point.
That's what it's all about buddy, a continual struggle to survive in an ever changing environment. i.e. I'm using a metaphor of war to describe an evolutionary arms race between different entities in order to maintain some kind of stasis between periods of punctuation, get it? *wink*
Neg, went on to try an use my own example against me, alas showing big gaps in his understanding of things he proports to be an expert in *Ha*
We are living in a constantly changing revolution system. Okay many people, when they think of revolution they are thinking of the big ones like the French Revolution, the Russian Communist Revolution etc etc ... but you're got to appreciate smaller scale revolutions are going on all the time around us.
I'm not old enough to compete with the guy older than God in the AO age stakes but I certainly remember the end of communism in Eastern europe revolution .. and to a lesser extent the problems in Africa... also we are going through a hi-tec globalisation revolution *cough* the Internet atm ... so STFU you idiot *ROFL*
Just kidding Negative, I like your posts usually.
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