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Thread: Hacking Exposed

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Hacking Exposed

    I just bought Hacking Exposed V.2. and I love it. I just wanted to mention that. I think that it is excellent. What are some other good titles that I could purchase that pertain to Security? Its funny how network security gets under your skin like this. I go to school for website development but I study network security more on my own time than I do on my course studies. All is good though, because I have good grades. Heh. Next semester we are spending six weeks on security in class. I cant wait. Peace.
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  2. #2
    Just a Virtualized Geek MrLinus's Avatar
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    Redondo Beach, CA


    Well depending on what you want to do..

    I was quite impressed with Network Intrusion Detection: An Analyst Handbook by Stephen Northcutt as well as The Process of Network Security by Thomas Wadlow. Both are very good.

    Hack Attacks Revealed by John Chrillo is apparently another good one (as are his other books, Hack Attacks Denied and Hack Attacks Encyclopedia). Take a visit to and type in security in the search for books. You'd be amazed at how many are out there..

    Also you may want to look at magazines like 2600 (found at or your local magazine shop) and EBusiness Security (pricey but has some good articles; check them out at

    Hope this helps.

  3. #3
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    I have the third edition, and it's very informative, and fun to read.

    stflook gives it a

  4. #4
    I'd have to agree with MsMittens, cause Hack Attacks Revealed is probably my favorite. You should check it some time man.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    I just got it a few days ago too and also love it (I got v2 also)... Only up to chapter 6 but so far it rules!


  6. #6
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    i have not looked at these books, but i think i will now,
    not a very good book but i found out about this site from "steal this book"
    lekt0r, my school has website design, but all they teach you is Frontpage, and not html, pathetic isn't it, i was so bored becuase i know html...
    i was kicked out of the class one day because i told the teacher to teach us html, they said i was "disrupting the learning environment" or something like that, what bu11 5h1t

    \"I am convinced that societies which live without government enjoy an infinitely greater degree of happiness than those who do.\" Thomas Jefferson

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    I can vouch for both Hack Attacks Denied and Hack Attacks Revealed, but you're reading the best damn book on the market in the field of comp security. "Secrets of a Super Hacker" is pretty good for an intro to social engineering (but it's old, so don't rely on it for ANYTHING else... hehe). Don't buy "Happy Hacker, "Steal this Computer Book 2", or "Complete Hacker's Handbook" by Dr.K. None of those are very good. Yep.... there are my two cents.

  8. #8
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    Hackers Beware

    I recommend "Hackers Beware" by Eric Cole. It's another good book along the same lines. Eric Cole is probably one of the best security instructors out there, he does a lot of SANS courses. The dude really knows his stuff.

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Steal This Computer Book is great. (I think there are I, II, and III.) I read only I.
    Secrets of a Super Hacker is great.
    Hacking Exposed RULES!!!! (I have only read the "Second Edition").
    Hack Attacks Revealed is also very nice.
    2600 RULES!!!! (It comes out every 3 months).
    These are my favorites. There are two more I am reading now at the book store but the names have slipped my mind. I will find out.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I am a fan of Hacking Exposed (v2 4 me). These books must be looked @ in a very objectional manner, however, for many will go on for page after page about how great k mitstick (heh) is and how to break into telephone systems that only exist in third world country's. However, Hacking Exposed, @ the time I purchased it, was so up to date, it included the latest windows 2000 Release, as well a very straight forward, no f*ing around approach to some BASIC hacking techniques. I also like how each exploit / vuln is rated on popularity, toughness, and effectiveness, and also that it shows how each exploit is to be countered by the 'victim'.

    I do suggest that all of the subjects of this book be studied, learned, and kept around for reference, but, many of the techniques can be easily prevented by someone who knows what they are doing, and if they are 'brute' (can't really be prevented), they are very detectable and dangerous in the hands of some kiddies (void of isp contract, anyone?).

    Learn, learn, learn.


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