Ok I would like the views of free source. I personally believe in it and think knowledge should be free.

In the software industry all it would take for them to make money off of it would be to change the code and market it for a company to make money. But the advantage is that it was your code. Your code could create a whole group of other companys.This would advance technology and allow it to grow.

I currently make C++ programs for myself and friends to use. Some I could easily make money off of but don't. Should hard work be made free? Why let it become free if corporations are going to steal it and charge it?

This I believe is the neverending battle and would like to hear where you stand. I know the word FREE always sounds better, it has nice appeal to it. But does'nt working for a bigger software corporation sound better, you would probably get better benifits and at least see some of that big money.

Is free source worth it ?