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Thread: Continuous Reboot. Please Help.

  1. #1

    Unhappy Continuous Reboot. Please Help.

    Okay here is the scenerio....

    I have an HP Omnibook 4150 (PII 300MHZ, 192Mb ram) running windows 98 (Not SE, company image) Yesterday I brought up a pdf documentwith adobe and wanted to print the file (22 pages) After processing the 22 pages to print my computer lokked up, (ran out of resources) couldn't open folders nothing. After a bit I received a popup window that said explorer.exe could not start, reinstall windows. After rebooting I ran sfc (system file checker) which pointed out that user.exe appeared corrupted so I had it fix the file by rplacing it with a file from the cab directory. It finished the rest of the check, finding nothing else wrong, and wanted to reboot. I did and right before it gets to the login prompt it reboots again. It seems to load all the drivers and when it gets to that point (login point) it errors out (with no message being displayed) and reboots. I tried booting into Safe mode and the same thing happens. I can get to safe mode command prompt level and regular command prompt level and that's it. I tried going through the step by step confirmation to na avail. When I get to the last step and it executes, you guessed it, it reboots. Does anyone out there have any idea on what my be the problem and how to fix. I would greatly appreciate it.

    \"Disciples, like diamonds, are developed in a process of time and heavy pressures, and both the disciple and the diamond reflect and magnify the light that comes through them.\"

    Neal A. Maxwell

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Sounds like the operating system got corrupted. Try reinstalling and see if that works. You should be able to install over the previous install without losing any of the files on the computer.
    Hope that helps.
    [gloworange]\"A hacker is someone who has a passion for technology, someone who is possessed by a desire to figure out how things work.\" [/gloworange]

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2001
    You could try going to command prompt from the safe mode menu and navigating to c:\windows\options\cabs (assuming thats where your cabs are) and running setup from there.

  4. #4
    Thanks folks for the replies. I'm not sure if I can reinstall due to the CD I have is a company CD with Norton's Ghost image on it. I'll give it a try, but keep the suggestions coming, I appreciate it.

    \"Disciples, like diamonds, are developed in a process of time and heavy pressures, and both the disciple and the diamond reflect and magnify the light that comes through them.\"

    Neal A. Maxwell

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2001
    If you have the cabs on the machine you don't need a cd, just use the setup.exe from the cabs directory - but if you've got a ghost image then you'd be as well to just put that onto the hardrive - save you going through the setup routine.

  6. #6
    as i understand it, the comptuer keeps rebooting, so he won't be able to access his cabs and stuff. so, did you try rebooting off a floppy and then runing setup.exe ?

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2001
    He said that he can get into command prompt, and he can access the cabs through command prompt.
    [gloworange]\"A hacker is someone who has a passion for technology, someone who is possessed by a desire to figure out how things work.\" [/gloworange]

  8. #8


    sorry my bad.

  9. #9
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    You have just to replace spool32.exe .you can find it in sytem folder .everything will be ok then .

    i hope this help

    If God had intended
    Man to program,
    we would be born
    with serial I/O ports.

  10. #10
    Well, I've got the PC back up for now. What I did was boot up into command prompt mode and copied the user.exe (original) back into place from the C:\windows\helpdesk\sfc folder. I forgot, that when I replaced it using sfc, that it kept a backup of the original. What I'm wondering is that when I set up a printer (HP Lazerjet 5si/mx) through an application known as netprinter (company app) that it had trouble using the 5si/mx driver, hence I had to use a lazerjet4 driver and it seemed to work. This was the first time I printed from adobe and perhaps it had an issue with the incorrect driver. When I print from IE or Word it doesn't have a problem. I'll try printing a different adobe document and see what happens, if nothing then I know it was that paticular document. Thanks agaain for all the help.

    \"Disciples, like diamonds, are developed in a process of time and heavy pressures, and both the disciple and the diamond reflect and magnify the light that comes through them.\"

    Neal A. Maxwell

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