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Thread: if there r ne elite out there that dont mind helping a newbie out...

  1. #1

    if there r ne elite out there that dont mind helping a newbie out...

    Im new to hacking and phreaking, i mean ive been reading tutorials and doing little ****, but im looking for a elite hacker that wouldnt mind helping out a newbie. So if theres actually ne of theese people out there(which i kinda doubt)please reply to this post or pm me.Pe@c3

  2. #2
    Old-Fogey:Addicts founder Terr's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Seattle, WA
    Don't take this the wrong way, but my first suggestion is a writing class. Using so-called 'l33t-speak' was a fad, and as a fad I think it has already died, but nobody knows it yet.

    There is no substitute for a good reference book. Try going to your local library and looking for computer books on TCP/IP or computer hardware. (They should be in the low-numbered dewey-decimal nonfiction areas, something like .000 to .100 or something.)
    [HvC]Terr: L33T Technical Proficiency

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2001

    not that I think I am 3|_33T

    And from all I have seen of previous replies to Q's like this, no one here is really interested in helping budding crackers, least of all my self.

    having said that.

    start here,

    TCP/IP Illustrated

    Once you have read that, and understand it,

    Then go


    And see if they give you a warmer reception than we do... heh..


  4. #4
    Old-Fogey:Addicts founder Terr's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Seattle, WA

    Re: not that I think I am 3|_33T

    Originally posted by IchNiSan
    And from all I have seen of previous replies to Q's like this, no one here is really interested in helping budding crackers, least of all my self.
    Personally, I just feel that I don't explain things very well. I suffer from this tendency to make these explanations which you need background to understand which need more background... It's really tough to help someone out when you tell them to open a dos prompt and ping a computer, and they don't know how to open the dos prompt... Just as an example. That, and why do the work that is already done many many times over by other people? That's what books are for... Omigosh, I just had a revelation...

    Script kiddies use software made by other people to do things, and then take credit... Books are programs! Programs for people, interpreted code! Literate people are script(or type) kiddies! Nooooo.... Heh.
    [HvC]Terr: L33T Technical Proficiency

  5. #5


    LMAO at the writing course comment.I didnt do it cuz it was a fad tho it just slips every now and then.And as I said I doubt ne one will wanna help.Alota of theese people think they were born with a Unix manual in their hand lol.Ne way thanx ~1~

  6. #6
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    one more thing,

    ************Fix your signature...
    ixnay noay ignatureay ixfay
    You did it...

    When I view it from netscape, it shows me all the HTML code...

    I suspect the same thing happens to any IE users out there too...

    Also try


    Hack Attacks REvealed
    Hack Attacks Denied
    Hacking Exposed
    A book on C, perl, java, to name only a few...

  7. #7
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Oooh!! Oohhh!!! Im elite!! Im elite!! Pick me pick me!!

    Sorry, im not at all helpful, am I...

  8. #8


    i noticed that today,and the funny thing is i fixed it while u were posting that message lmao

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Re: if there r ne elite out there that dont mind helping a newbie out...

    Originally posted by WiSe-OnE
    Im new to hacking and phreaking, i mean ive been reading tutorials and doing little ****, but im looking for a elite hacker that wouldnt mind helping out a newbie. So if theres actually ne of theese people out there(which i kinda doubt)please reply to this post or pm me.Pe@c3 [/B]
    First of all, wrong forum this is the tutorial forum not a rent-a-hacker forum.
    Secondly you want to learn how to hack on a hackers board go here.

    Reading is good, read till youre eyes bleed, collect tutorials when you can and buy some damn good books.
    Any real hacker as you refer to them as gets asked to teach newbies everyday and it is highly unlikely anyone will take you on as there is no personal gain for them, its time consuming for them .

    One more thing if youre interested in hacking remember this, hackers o things ontheir own, learn for themselves.

  10. #10
    Hacking is a state of mind, many people say "oh I wanna learn how to hack" but they don't know what it's about.
    Visit a local meeting like 2600. They are held every month. And if you enjoy it then it might be something for you.

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