November 24th, 2001, 08:53 AM
Junior Member
mounting the windows partition in linux
Hi, i know someone posted this question before but i couldnt find the post and all of the replies.
Does anyone know the command to mount the windows partition in redhat linux to exchange files?
Thanks a bunch and Happy Turkey Day!!!
November 24th, 2001, 10:07 AM
Senior Member
Hi and great question.
Let's say that you have Win2000 on the first partition on your HDD and Linux on the second, just do this.
[you@yourbox:~]$ su
enter root password:
[root@yourbox:/home/you]# mkdir /windows
/* if you already have a directory set aside for windows then ignore this. If you do not, then create it */
/* now we just mount the first partition of your HDD in /windows and we can read/copy from it but it is a very very bad idea to save files from Linux to Windows */
[root@yourbox:/home/you]# mount /dev/hda1 /windows
now you just cd into /windows and go from there
hint: *nix doesn't know how to treat file names with spaces, so if you are going to cd into Program Files you would do it like this:
[root@yourbox:/home/you]# cd /windows/'Program Files'
as long as you put ' ' around the folders with spaces you will be fine.
hope that helped ya
Know this..., you may not by thyself in pride claim the Mantle of Wizardry; that way lies only Bogosity without End.
Rather must you Become, and Become, and Become, until Hackers respect thy Power, and other Wizards hail thee as a Brother or Sister in Wisdom, and you wake up and realize that the Mantle hath lain unknown upon thy Shoulders since you knew not when.
November 24th, 2001, 10:12 AM
Geez. And me how thought you had to do all this Samba stuff.
Another little point: There is a software which, I think, is called vmware. It simply allows you to access your linux partition from windows or the other way around without much trouble. The great thing is that it gives you the complete graphical desktop and so on. Unfortunately, it's kinda slow.
-Friends come and go. Enemies accumulate-
November 24th, 2001, 12:10 PM
Junior Member
thanks alot for all of that helpful info. im not able to try it now but im sure it will work.
Have a great one and again Thank You.
November 24th, 2001, 07:36 PM
Senior Member
Not to impune mr ubercoders advice, but i've found you generally have to specify the filesystem type when mounting anything other than linux native partitions - for mounting a windows partition i use (after creating a partition in /mnt called vfat) - mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt/vfat, the -t switch tells linux this is partition has the fat filesystem (you could use -t ntfs if the filestsem was ntfs)
Another thing might be worth adding is the use of the file /etc/fstab - you can use this to automatically mount partitions at boot time - open this file in your favourite text editor and add the line - "/dev/hda1 /mnt/vfat vfat noauto,owner,users 0 0" to mount the first partition on your harddrive (generally where windows c: drive is) in the directory /mnt/vfat.
Cold_connection - samba is for mounting windows shares over a network using the smb protocol - allowing a linux machine to participate in a windows network
November 26th, 2001, 05:33 AM
Originally posted by cold_connection
Geez. And me how thought you had to do all this Samba stuff.
Another little point: There is a software which, I think, is called vmware. It simply allows you to access your linux partition from windows or the other way around without much trouble. The great thing is that it gives you the complete graphical desktop and so on. Unfortunately, it's kinda slow.
Actually, VMWare is a LOT more than that. It creates an entire virtual computer, and then loads whatever OS you want on that virtual computer. So I could have my linux session up and running, and then boot up a windows session *inside* my linux session. It's directed towards programmers developing for multiple platforms, but it's a pretty decent way to get windows apps running under linux.
Chris Shepherd
The Nelson-Shepherd cutoff: The point at which you realise someone is an idiot while trying to help them.
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