View Poll Results: A hacker should have a good...

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    17 65.38%
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    1 3.85%
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    1 3.85%
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    6 23.08%
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Thread: Using MFC++ 6.0 the cheaters way

  1. #1

    Using MFC++ 6.0 the cheaters way

    Ok many people use Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 compiler. Is using the MFC to create application Programs cheating. I've learned the hard way of creating all files by hand which is usually the most effiecient way to create a program, but very time consuming. Is this really programming or just another way to get peoples intrest. Seriously Microsoft was some many things that suck, what would be next building a compiler that reads english,lol. That would live up to Microsoft and security,lol..

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Why would using MFC be cheating??? Is using (now) "integrated OS function" like device drivers (not really OS but you know what I mean) instead of re-coding device interfaces in each program, like it used to be, cheating?

    My point is, things are evolving, and so are coding practices... We can't go about re-inventing the wheel all the time... That's why we have such things as MFC now. Besides, Borland also has such a thing, and many other languages also have quick and simple ways to make GUIs, it's not just a microsoft thing...


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