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And now for something Completely Different
November 26th, 2001, 11:15 PM
Can I have all your Neg. Points
Ok I would like all of your anti-points, the negative ones. I feel that I have been some what of a grouch, part of it is I just stopped smoking. And if I really pissed anyone off then give me what I dissearve.
November 26th, 2001, 11:28 PM
Junior Member
What do all these Antipoints and Plus points? stand for? Do you reek some reward by gaining the largest number of points? and what happens when you get anti-points?
November 26th, 2001, 11:34 PM
Senior Member
Truthfully, they mean nothing. I'm not going to lose any sleep over negative or positive points. It's fun to read the comments that come with them, that's about all the fun I have
I wouldn't take them personally as some here might, it's just a forum
November 26th, 2001, 11:52 PM
Re: Can I have all your Neg. Points
Originally posted by freeOn
Ok I would like all of your anti-points, the negative ones. I feel that I have been some what of a grouch, part of it is I just stopped smoking. And if I really pissed anyone off then give me what I dissearve.
I have read some very stupid threads in my short time at AntiOnline and have said nothing in reply. Hey, no ones perfect and I've posted a few myself, such as -"how do you install aGUI under zipslack" and even "installing tr.gz files"
Remeber solidpez and all his "what is the best.....who is the best...what would you do.....what os do you....." These threads drove me crazy but I didn't say a word....
BUT this one just takes the cake!
I remeber someone posting "your post is as stupid as my reply"...I think that says it all..
November 27th, 2001, 01:25 AM
My opinion of AntiPoints
Frankly, I don't understand the idea of "AntiPoints".
I have been a member of AO for only a short time, but have been visiting for quite a while, and I just don't understand it.
The only thing that positive 'points', and conversely, negative 'points' do is serve to bias the reader to the posting person who carries said 'points', i.e. pos. 'points' are automatically given more creedence than 'neg' points...just though the miracle of human nature and indoctrinated bias.
A viable hypothesis would be that pos. 'point' earners may be more guarded about what they say, for fear of gaining neg. 'points', and the neg 'point' earners may just be out for blood, no matter how intelligent they really are.
Personally, I would rather that my invisible 'points' be in the grey, and have people read my posts without judgement, than have my AVATAR be judged by the little colored dot next my name before even being considered one way or the other.
Give me neg. 'points', or give me pos. 'points'...i would rather you didn't give either...but either way...the guy sitting at the computer right now really doesn't give a ****.
"entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem"
"entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity."
-Occam's Razor
November 27th, 2001, 02:05 AM
Personally I think they antipoints are "A way for a lazy person to render judgement.", don't get me wrong, they aren't necessarily BAD, it's just that they really can't compare to the kind of accuracy of evaluation that you'd get out of just reading their posts.
Also, the internet has this tendency towards group-polarization, MUCH more than in real life. Without all the subconscious non-literal cues (gestures, facial expression, tone, etc.) that we would otherwise have in real-life, it can become very easy to classify people into an extreme group.
Some psychologists did studies with people discussing a problem face-to-face, compared to another group discussing it over an IRC-like system. Both groups were comprised of the same proportional makeup of people who individually felt a certain way about the question.
The group using the IRC-like system consistently would come to more RADICAL decisions on a pro/con topic than the control group! Apparently, within the group opinion continued to escalate away from the medium opinions as people talked up a big feedback loop. You agree with them, they feel approved of, they change their stance in order to keep their own 'relative opinion'... and it just cycles up.
How does this relate to Antipoints? Well, as Ouroboros pointed out, a certain bias tends to come with them. You'll get people who feel that, since person X has a ton of neg/pos Antipoints, other people will see those indicators and think that they reflect the opinion of the majority. Then they will feel pressured to conform, and they will shape their expectations of 'good' or 'bad' posts to fit.
Actually, the whole group-polarization thing didn't come into Antipoints quite that much, but I have seen it... Like opinions of Seb-G/Hanss, or the little KaKoKool incident with (unintentional?) plagarism.
[HvC]Terr: L33T Technical Proficiency
November 27th, 2001, 02:45 AM
Junior Member
Points? .... You mean this isn't the tagline section? Hey I see the "status" thing involved with your own hip avatar, a dozen green boxes by your monicure, .... But really, ..... I love "aquiring" all these taglines. Give me points; make me a God!
. . . the majestic equality of the law, which forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread. - Anatole France
November 27th, 2001, 04:28 AM
Freeon to be honest I havent noticed that you were groucher than normal. Living in Alaska and quiting smoking I think youre entitled to be a little grouchy. Ill give you a thumbs up for trying to quit Ive tried for years and it never lasts I end up starting again.As for giving you negitive points why and what for all Ive noticed is that you speak your mind and if folks dont like it tough luck. I got negitive points for agreeing with someone so the way I look at it if they are giving us negitive points we must be making them think cannt you smell the smoke. I have enjoyed your posts and hope to see more of them.Have a and let the world
No good deed goes unpunished.
November 27th, 2001, 04:32 AM
I don't think Antipoints should be used for anything other than display. Access to boards, for instance... no. I think the private boards will be invite-based, rather than being able to be antipoint-based, for instance. I mean, Antipoints are such ephemeral things that it wouldn't be that wise to make a system where they are worth anything in and of themselves. (As opposed to simply having a meaning to whomever sees them.)
Just to share an antipoint comment I got on this thread, which I sort of consider as an anonymous post, given the content:
You ****ing hypocrite! Take your antipoints and shove 'em up your ass! The Realm was the worst ****ing game ever !
Did I ever say The Realm was a superb game? It *was* pretty good for it's time, at once point. I played it for the community, not the gameplay. Why so angry?
How am I a hypocrite? Am I contradicting myself somewhere? Am I acting in a way that doesn't agree with what I say? I would challenge you to find examples to support this.
As for my avatar and sig, what's wrong with messing around trying to make it look good, eh? If you ask some of the older members, you'll know that I've made avatars and sigs for some of them, because I like messing with graphics and gradients occasionally.
Anyway, the whole Antipoint thing is REALLY overdiscussed, see these threads for more comments and debates:
[HvC]Terr: L33T Technical Proficiency
November 27th, 2001, 05:29 AM
I personally think the AntiPoints system altogheter should be abolished. Since they have been put in place, they have been virtually nothing but a source of controversy and tension. While most of the members here can handle the AntiPoints system, there are a few jackasses running around abusing it, and ruining it for everybody. This entirely negates the point of AntiPoints. They were supposed to be a judge of a person's intelligence, and manners. Now, they're more of a measure of how targeted they are by the abusers. What really sucks, is that since it's anonymous, it's hard to find out who the abusers are. For all we know, Terr may be the biggest abuser, with 20 different accounts set up specifically for spewing out negative AntiPoints (but I trust Terr wouldn't do that, as he is probably the biggest voice of reason in the forums). In fact, I just got negative points on a post with the comment "bye bye". Needless to say, those were BS points. This proves my point. I also think they keep a lot of people from saying what's on their mind, in fear of the virtual rain of negative AntiPoints that they know is going to come down on them because some people don't agree with them. Maybe I'm missing something, but I have never heard of any rules, written or unwritten, about having a dissenting opinion. Take evilseed for example (I hope you don't mind, man). I see he isn't exactly gifted with AntiPoints. Can anybody tell me why? I certainly don't see a reason for him to have as few points as he does. Maybe I have been missing some of his posts or something, but the only reason I can think of for him to get so many negative AntiPoints (besides being targeted by the abusers) is the way he talks (not that there's anything wrong with it). This clearly is not a good reason to give out negative points (assuming my theory is correct). I'm very curious to see what other people have to say on this topic, as I don't think I'm the only one who believes this way.
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