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Thread: Linux Help

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Nov 2001

    Exclamation Linux Help

    Hey everyone, real newbie here. Know more than some basic's on comps.My os is win98 if that should help. My big goal is to start learning Linux.I know nothing on linux,unix,etc. and am looking for advice, if you guys could give me linx that have books on linux for beginners or just plain text file sites that would be great. Im 16years old so its hard to find a real understanding book,text file. Should i be getting into Linux,or Unix? Dont know much about either the 2 only that they were created by Linus Traverold or somthing To be getting into exploring the internet world or hacking i guess i should say, should i be learning linux or unix? So many questions. Any help would be great. signing out.

    bassic-(Basic) Big Time Newbie.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Wink ..Another newbie..

    I have the EXACT same problem!

  3. #3
    Senior Member linuxcomando's Avatar
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    Lets see where to start.......i would recomend you guys to either start with suse or redhat both are very easy to use if you go to you can find all those nifty little how-tos. If you ever dont know what a command does just type man and then what ever the command is like this
    man grep
    man ls
    man vi
    and so on and soforth if you get into trouble email me or post and ill help you guys out cuz linux though fun can be wquite frustrating then when you guys get better well move on to some real to slackware and then finaly openBSD

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2001

    Cool Where to start with Linux..

    I would recomend you to start with Suse ( since it's a nice and easy distribution to start with.

    If you buy the distribution it'll be included with a lots of books and a whole set of utilities on several cd's. I think this would be just enough to get a good start and a common understanding about suse and other linux distributions.

    If you decide to download a copy from the internet, should I recomend you to install the complete suse helpsystem and a webserver of your own choice I would recomend apache though, and ofcourse a webbrowser of your own choice.

    A last advice RTFM and have a lots of patience.. Soon a new world will open infront of your eyes


  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Linux Mandrake 8 would be a good starting ground... For a start everything comes pre-set up once you have installed it, if you buy a boxed version (or get one for Christmas) you should get fukll installation instructions [maybe even Installation Technical Support].

    Once you've set up and run mandrake for a while I suggest you keep that on the machine, but also get another computer and try a different distro where you will have to set stuff up youself.
    I actually went the other way - I installed RedHat 5.2 first as my very first experience with Linux, then discovered mandrake later... Sufficing to say mandrake is fine for what I use it for so thats all I use now on a permanent basis, but I try others from time to time just to see if I can actually get them working properly.

    Linux and Unix are very similar, but since Linux is FREE I suggest you try that... Learning how to control Linux will put you in good stead when you're confronted with a UNIX box because they're very similar (the same?) from the command line.

    Hope that helped!
    One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them.
    One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
    (The Lord Of The Rings)

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Nov 2001


    Thanks for the information guys, this site really helps. Glad to be part of the team. Iv seen the Suse and RedHat software at BestBuy earlier today, but there were no books on anything, but like HTML,CGI. Theres a poll in general questions on the matter, suse,redhat,mandrake,or any others. Thanks for all the help guys! Get this some more posts!

    bassic-(Basic) Big Time Newbie.

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